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 IHS Area Offices

Phoenix Area- Committed to Caring

DSFC Helps Reservations Improve Sanitation Facilities

Improving sanitation facilities on Indian Reservations in the Phoenix Area is the responsibility of the Division of Sanitation Facility Construction (DSFC). For the past 45 years, the Phoenix Area DSFC has conducted over 1,200 projects to provide water, sewer and solid waste disposal facilities on Reservations in California, Nevada, Utah and Arizona.

As Phoenix Area Tribes work to improve living conditions on the Reservations, DSFC engineers are working to aid the Tribes in using the latest technology to improve Reservation water systems. The Fallon Indian Colony of Nevada has struggled for years with high arsenic content in their water system. To help the Fallon Paiute-Shoshone Tribe solve this problem, IHS engineers began studying arsenic removal treatment alternatives to improve the water quality on the Fallon Indian Reservation and Colony.

Since 1997, the IHS has approved seven projects to help the Tribe deal with the high arsenic levels in its community water system. The IHS and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have contributed a total of $1,782,000 to the projects.

The Fallon project is the first arsenic removal plant of its size and type to be managed by IHS. Due to the recent change in the EPA arsenic standard, arsenic treatment may be required at more than 50 tribal water systems nationwide. The Fallon project experiences will be used to more efficiently address the arsenic problem at other locations as the DSFC and Tribes work to insure good water is available to all Tribal members in the Phoenix Area.

For more information on this article, contact Curt Huskins, Phoenix Area Office of Environmental Health & Engineering.

>> See the past feature articles.

Inspecting building site
Project engineer LCDR David Harvey, P.E., inspects the site preparation for the new water treatment building.


Sanitation Facility workers Local construction workers prepare foundation for new arsenic treatment plant.


Treatment building
The treatment building houses a coagulation assisted microfiltration water treatment system.


Microfiltration water treatment system
The microfiltration water treatment system produces 500,000 gallons of treated water per day for residents of the Fallon Indian Reservation and Colony.


Phoenix Area Indian Health Service
Two Renaissance Square • 40 North Central Avenue • Phoenix, AZ 85004-4424