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Phoenix Area- Committed to Caring

December 2004 Article: Phoenix Area Testing Electronic Dental Record

Dentist working on patient using EDR

What’s an Electronic Dental Record?

An electronic dental record (EDR) is a computer system and software program that can store and replicate all of the information kept in your dental record. This includes all clinic notes, procedures, examination forms, medical history, digitized x-rays, and any other images (like digital photographs of areas of your mouth) necessary to complete your dental record.

Where is it being pilot-tested?

Phoenix Indian Medical Center is one of six locations within the Indian Health Service pilot-testing electronic dental records (EDR) prior to the IHS purchasing one of the products. The products that are being tested are three Commercial Off-The-Shelf (COTS) software packages that are currently being used in dental offices around the world. Each of the three packages is being tested in one IHS dental clinic and one Tribal clinic for six weeks. The other locations testing the EDR are Fort Defiance IHS Clinic, Pine Ridge IHS Clinic, Sonoma Tribal Clinic, Central Valley Tribal Clinic and Round Valley Tribal Clinic.

How does the Electronic Dental Record Work?

The EDR is a graphical User Interface (GUI) that represents images of your record. When data is entered into the EDR, some of the information is stored in the EDR and some of the data is transmitted into the Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) for storage of procedures and transmission to appropriate files and systems. Additionally, the RPMS sends information to the EDR to update in areas such as new patients and updates of current patients’ information (change of address, etc.).

What are the advantages of an EDR?

Many private practice dental clinics around the world utilize an EDR. The most obvious benefit to our IHS patients will be the immediate availability of the patient chart. Our clients will not have to wait for the chart to arrive from medical records. The EDR will also allow the dental clinic manager to utilize the data from the EDR to make decisions about individuals and entire communities in a much more efficient manner. Also, as mentioned earlier, the EDR is capable of storing all of the dental record as well as digital x-rays and images in a much smaller space than an entire medical records room.

When will the IHS and Tribal clinics be getting the EDR?

Over the next six to nine months, a team of IHS dentists and information technology consultants will be reviewing numerous evaluations completed by all of the individuals involved in the pilot testing. After the data has been reviewed, a single COTS EDR package will be recommended for selection and will be forwarded for approval and procurement. After approval and procurement, the EDR will be installed in clinics across the IHS over a number of years in a staged approach.

Is the EDR safe and Secure?

All of the EDR COTS packages being tested are fully Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliant and have all successfully completed a separate security test required by IHS. (This means that confidential patient information is safe and secure.)

For more information on this article, contact Jan Josephson, D.M.D. or Steven Tetrev.

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Phoenix Area Indian Health Service
Two Renaissance Square • 40 North Central Avenue • Phoenix, AZ 85004-4424