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 IHS Area Offices

Phoenix Area- Committed to Caring

Feature Article: Six healthcare facilities in the Phoenix Area successfully complete Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization's (JCAHO) accreditation surveys in 2003

January 8, 2004- In October 2002, four Phoenix Area hospitals, Hopi Health Care Center, Whiteriver Hospital, Fort Yuma Hospital, and the Parker Indian Health Center, successfully completed phase one in a conversion process through JCAHO, to become accredited as CAH (Critical Access Hospitals). Phase two was completed in fall of 2003, when all four hospitals were resurveyed by JCAHO, as a condition of the conversion process, to demonstrate a 12-month record of compliance to JCAHO standards. The four hospitals demonstrated excellent compliance to the intent and to the ”spirit“ of the standards.

Dr. Larry Wengienka, the JCAHO, CAH surveyor, in a personal follow-up letter to the Phoenix Area Director stated, ”The Indian Health Service of Arizona, ...provides excellent health care to the population group that they serve.“ ”I feel that the level of primary care provided to your patients is superior to what is seen in most of the clinics and offices that I have seen elsewhere in the U. S. The PI [Performance Improvement] presentations given by the medical staff at Whiteriver and Parker facilities was better than I have seen elsewhere on my surveys this past year.“ Dr. Wegienka went on to say, ” sharing the excellent programs with other Indian Health Service organizations, I feel that the Arizona IHS, will be a good model for others in the country to emulate.“

Desert Visions (DV) Youth Wellness Center underwent in 2003, their second triennial JCAHO accreditation survey. Initially accredited in 2000, the DV accreditation outcome score of 94 in 2003, was even better than on the initial survey. This is an excellent rating for a behavioral health (BH) unit, because JCAHO BH assessment and reassessment standards are sometimes more stringent than hospital and clinic programs. The surveyor commended the staff and leaders for excellent care and for the strong cultural component in the treatment regimen. After the closeout summary, the surveyor participated in a talking circle and closing ceremony where she was presented with cultural mementos.

Also in 2003, PIMC underwent in September, an unannounced JCAHO survey. The staff performed exceedingly well at all levels and the leaders were commended by the surveyor for excellent quality and integration of PI throughout the hospital. They received a score of 97, an exceptional accomplishment for a ”walk-in, without notice“ survey visit. Earlier in the year, the PIMC Lab underwent a scheduled biennial recertification review, by the College of American Pathologists. They were awarded full certification status.

For more information, please contact the Phoenix Area IHS Office of Quality Management at (602) 364-5164.

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CY03 JCAHO Survey Scores KEY:
- Desert Visions
WR - Whiteriver
PIMC - Phoenix Indian Medical Center

>> See the complete survey results [EXCEL-92KB].

Phoenix Area Indian Health Service
Two Renaissance Square • 40 North Central Avenue • Phoenix, AZ 85004-4424