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Spring Into Health: Celebrate the Year of the Healthy Child

March 25, 2005- For some, Easter is a time that symbolizes new life. Indian Country recently experienced a calamity in the Native American community at the Red Lake Band of Chippewa where many lives were taken in a seemingly senseless tragedy. So it is with great pleasure that we shared the annual PIMC Easter Egg Hunt on Friday, March 25, 2005. We were given the opportunity to see the joy in the faces of children as they roamed the lawns in search of eggs, laughed while playing games, and enjoyed the camaraderie of their peers. It was then that we realized that even in the face of terrible catastrophe; there is hope for our children and for the future.

Our healthcare system and network of providers offers hope for our future. It is our wish that the unfortunate events at Red Lake will never again happen in the Indian community.

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PIMC Easter Egg Hunt
The Annual Easter Egg Hunt is sponsored by the PIMC Employee Association and coincides with the Drug Free/Alcohol Free event each year.
PIMC Easter Egg Hunt
Constance James, PIMC, gave instructions to the participants.
PIMC Easter Egg Hunt
“On your mark, get set...”
PIMC Easter Egg Hunt
PIMC Easter Egg Hunt
The race is on to find over 2,500 donated eggs.
PIMC Easter Egg Hunt
Participants were broken up into different age group categories: 1-2, 3-5, 6-9, and 10-14 years of age..
PIMC Easter Egg Hunt
The actual hunt lasted less than a few minutes, but was worth the many voluntary hours as seen by the fun everyone had.
PIMC Easter Egg Hunt
Comparing eggs.
PIMC Easter Egg Hunt
The eggs were generously donated by the hospital employees and the PIMC Auxillary members.
PIMC Easter Egg Hunt
Who had more fun? The participants or the observers?
PIMC Easter Egg Hunt
A total of 59 Easter baskets were given out as prizes.
PIMC Easter Egg Hunt
Aidan Berry enjoyed his first Easter egg hunt.
PIMC Easter Egg Hunt
The Easter Bunny made a surprise visit at PIMC.
PIMC Easter Egg Hunt
Even the young can find many eggs on their own.
Mr. Don Davis, Director, Phoenix Area IHS, and Dr. Berkley, Chief Medical Officer, Phoenix Area IHS
Mr. Don Davis, Director, Phoenix Area IHS, and Dr. Berkley, Chief Medical Officer, Phoenix Area IHS, oversaw the activities.
PIMC Easter Egg Hunt
The PIMC Easter Egg Hunt was a healthy family affair.
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