United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
National Hepatitis C Program
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Hepatitis C Resource Centers (HCRC)

The Hepatitis C Resource Center (HCRC) network is an integral part of VA's National Hepatitis C Program. Each of the four HCRCs work closely with other elements of the Public Health Strategic Health Care Group to develop best practices in hepatitis C prevention, clinical care, patient and provider education, and program evaluation for use within VA as well as for other medical care systems.

Funding for this new Center program was awarded in January 2002 for 5 years. It followed a highly competitive process in which all VA medical facilities were invited to submit applications. The four Hepatitis C Resource Centers are as follows:

bulletThe Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota, directed by Eric Dieperink, MD. Phone: 612-467-3137
bulletThe Veterans Administration Medical Center, San Francisco, California, led by Alexander Monto, MD. Phone: 415-221-4810 x2636
bulletThe VA Connecticut Healthcare System, West Haven, Connecticut, led by Guadalupe Garcia-Tsao, MD. Phone: 203-932-5711 x2206
bulletThe VA Northwest Hepatitis C Resource Center led by Jason A. Dominitz, MD, MHS, at the VA Puget Sound Health Care System, Seattle, Washington, in collaboration with the VA Portland Medical Center, Portland, Oregon. Phone: 206-277-1722

Projects of the Resource Centers include:

bulletImproved screening and testing methods
bulletAssessment and treatment of patients traditionally excluded from hepatitis C treatment (including those with mental illness, substance abuse, or concurrent HIV infection)
bulletDevelopment and dissemination of models of interdisciplinary care to optimize treatment outcomes
bulletDevelopment and dissemination of clinical standards for treating patients will all stages of hepatitis C infection.

The HCRCs build on the success of the previous Centers of Excellence in Hepatitis C program, established by VA in 1999.

HCRC Resources

bulletResults of 2007 Survey to Assess Hepatitis C Care in VHA (VA Intranet only)
bulletHCRC Products on the web or in print (rev 10/08)
bulletHCRC Program Report: 2002 - 2004

Please visit our HCRC products.