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Stopwords are terms that appear so frequently in patent text that they lose their usefulness as search terms. These stopwords occur in the following fields in the US Patent Full Text Database:

Field Name      Field Code
Abstract   ABST
Claim(s)   ACLM
Description/Specification   SPEC
Government Interest   GOVT
Other References   OREF
Parent Case Information   PARN
Title   TTL


The following words are considered “stopwords” and are not searchable terms in the US Patent Full Text Database. Although they are not indexed as search terms, they will be displayed in your search results.

a has such
accordance have suitable
according having than
all herein that
also however the
an if their
and in then
another into there
are invention thereby
as is therefore
at it thereof
be its thereto
because means these
been not they
being now this
by of those
claim on thus
comprises onto to
corresponding or use
could other various
described particularly was
desired preferably were
do preferred what
does present when
each provide where
embodiment provided whereby
fig provides wherein
figs relatively which
for respectively while
from said who
further should will
generally since with
had some would