[US Patent & Trademark Office, Patent Full Text and Image Database]
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Help on the Navigational Icons

This page explains the navigational icons used on our pages.

[Help] - takes you to the Help Page, for more information about this system.
[Home] - takes you to the Home Page for this system.
[Quick Search] - takes you to the Quick Search page.
[Advanced Search] - takes you to the Advanced Search page.
[Number Search] - takes you to the Patent Number Search page.
[Order Copy] - takes you to the USPTO's patent copy sales page, for information on ordering copies of full text and images for U.S. patents.
[PTDLs] - takes you to the Patent and Trademark Depository Library information page.
Patent] - takes you to the previous patent in a search result list.
[Next Patent] - takes you to the next patent in a search results list.
[Current List] - takes you to the current search results list.
[Previous List] - takes you to the previous search results list.
[Next List] - takes you to the next search results list.