[US Patent & Trademark Office, Patent Full Text and Image Database]
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Patent Full-Text Database Contents

Patent numbers in the US Patent Full-Text Database, by type and year.

Database Utility*** Design Plant Reissue (RD,RE, RX)* Defensive
Pub. **
1976-2005 3,930,271- current D242,583- current PP3,987- current RE28,671- current T100,001-T109201;
1790-1975 X1- X11,280; 1-3,930,270 D1- D242,880 PP1- P4,000 RX1-RX125;RE1-RE29,094 T855,019-T941,025;   AI2-AI318

* RDs and REs are issued in the same numeric sequence; RXs are issued in a separate numeric sequence.

** T patents were not numbered in a continuous sequence; numbers were issued in batches based on OG volume.

*** X and AI patents have non-withdrawn gaps due to patents lost in the historic Patent Office fire.

To find the most recently issued patent numbers of each patent type (i.e., the highest number issued or for which you can search within each patent type), go to ftp://ftp.uspto.gov/pub/patdata and look at the most recent week's .rpt, .txt, or .zip files  for a summary of the week's issue.

List of withdrawn patent numbers

List of patents missing from the full-text database:

List of patents missing from the full-page image database