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Help to Older Small Business Owners

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Regardless of all the corporate news attention, we remain a country dependent on small business and I am one. I provide a valuable public benefit through my consulting service by helping upgrade manufacturing processes to become environmentally sustainable and socially responsible. Like a lot of mature adults these days, I’m over 65 but not ready to retire even if I could. My problem is that I can’t keep up with my business expenses. I pay excessive rent and a disproportionate local business tax in Seattle. I’m forced to contract out for employees. Health insurance takes a huge part of my monthly income even while I’m poorly covered and seldom see the doctor. My little Honda is due for service. And I am unable to upgrade my computer and internet service to handle the kind of technical work I do (I have a PhD in Environmental Science and a BS in Planning). To be frank, I have a lot to offer as a small frugal business but I can’t pay my bills. I’m going under. Meanwhile, I look out on a world of wasteful fat cats who appear to be getting all the government assistance. What is in the President’s new plan to keep valuable older people like me working? And what indeed is the New Plan doing for small responsible businesses?

1 Comment  »  Posted by iakenn to Economy, Energy and Environment, Health Care, Technology on 1/12/2009 2:24 PM


1/13/2009 1:55 PM
Look up Small Business Stimulus in this section I would enjoy hearing your opinion.
Another Seattle entrepeneur. Hold on better days acomin!
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