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Turtle Mountain Comprehensive Healthcare title banner


Today's tribal members are active in business and professional fields, working to develop their beautiful community. Today new businesses are being constructed, or the previously built ones are expanding, at a very fast pace. Some of our newest ventures include the casino, which is operating 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It offers the same style gaming as you can find in the larger, well-known casinos. It is a fun and exciting place to be, but, more importantly, it provides a large number of jobs for our people. The casino has opened a large number of doors for many of our people. It has helped our economy grow and has brought down the unemployment rate for the reservation. The casino is currently in the process of building a much larger casino with hotel and restaurant accommodations. This new facility will offer the current employees a chance for promotions and also an opportunity for many more to be employed.

Our Turtle Mountain Manufacturing Plant is doing very well; current contracts from the U.S. Department of Defense disburse $3 million in wages annually on the reservation. The manufacturing plant is most widely known for the "Water Buffalo," a low towing water tank that earned the company high honors and awards from the Federal Government. This tank was used during the Desert Storm operation. The plant handles manufacturing, machining, metal fabrications, and painting. The plant currently employs 150 to 200 people year around with a waiting list of 200 more people.

The Uniband Data Entry Corporation handles a lot of government contracts. Uniband has done work for the North Dakota State Game and Fish Department and the Internal Revenue Service and other Federal agencies. The corporation currently employs 160 people with plans for expansion to employ a total of 500 people. What a boost to our economy! Uniband recently entered the global market when it became the U.S. distributor for AB Systems of France. That company developed an automated backup system for personal computers. Uniband will distribute and may eventually assemble those backup systems.

Also a first in our area is a new motel that recently opened its doors. The "Sleepee Teepee," locally owned and operated, offers rooms for the many new people visiting and working in our community. With all the new construction going up around us and with all the people motoring to our casino, we can now offer out-of-towners a great place to stay.

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