NAPTF Database Table Map

The database is organized into 13 tables as shown in the table map below.  Key fields in each table are indicated by a key symbol.  Lines represent links between tables.  In order to more clearly show the relationships between the tables, not all fields have been shown in this map. A short description of each table is provided below.  For a complete listing of the fields in each table, including SQL Server data types, see Table Details.

Table Relationship
Table Descriptions:

Dynamic_data - Contains dynamic sensor responses, including peak values and full dynamic records.
FWD - Contains falling-weight deflectometer (FWD) test data.  FWD tests are conducted periodically on NAPTF test items to monitor changes in the pavement structural properties.
Gear - Contains information about the configured loads, including number of tires per carriage, applied tire loads (nominal), and tire spacings (dual and tandem).
MUX - Contains information about the static sensors, including sensor type and location. (MUX refers to the multiplexer units, which acquire the static sensor data.)
SPUs - Contains information about the dynamic sensors, including sensor type and location. (SPU refers to the 6 signal processing units, which acquire the dynamic sensor data.)
Static_data - Contains static sensor responses, including hourly temperature and moisture readings.
Test_Item - Contains engineering data about the pavement test items, including the pavement type (rigid or flexible), layer thicknesses and materials.  This information is useful for structural analysis.
Track - Identifies the north and south carriage positions corresponding to the 9 wander tracks.
Traffic - Contains information about the vehicle passes, including start and end times for each load event, gear configuration, applied loads (actual), and wander position.
Wander - Lists the track numbers and carriage positions corresponding to each sequence number in the wander pattern.

The following three tables are used to store pavement survey data:

Distress - Lists the standard distress types used to determine pavement condition index (PCI) and structural condition index (SCI).
PCI_summary - Contains summary data on PCI surveys conducted on the test items.
PCI_survey - Contains detailed data on PCI surveys, including the distresses and deduct values used to determine the PCI.

Last Update:01/21/03