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USDA Forest Service
Attn: Quantitative Sciences Staff,
Dr. Guy Robertson
1621 North Kent Street, RPC4
Arlington, VA 22209-2137
(703) 605-4188

You are here: Research & Development / National Sustainability Report / 2010 National Sustainability Report
National Report on Sustainable Forests - 2010 Draft

The 2010 National Report on Sustainable Forests is the second in a series of reports addressing conditions and trends in U.S. forests as they relate to the overarching concept of sustainability. The first report was published in 2003. These reports are produced as part of our continuing commitment to the Montreal Process, a group of 12 countries that first came together in 1994 to develop and implement internationally agreed upon criteria and indicators for the conservation and sustainable management of temperate and boreal forests. The 2010 Report involves the collaboration of over 20 scientists and forestry professionals within the Forest Service along with a number of outside collaborators, and it covers a comprehensive range of issues and information sources relevant to the sustainable management of our Nation’s forests.

A draft version of the 2010 Report is available through this website. During the following 120 day comment period, we are seeking public comment from as broad a range of interests and perspectives as possible. There are several ways to submit comments—instructions are provided on the "Comment on the 2010 Sustainability Report" link on the left side of this page. Please note that comments need to be received by April 7 in order to be incorporated into the final version of the report. Both general and technical comments are appreciated.

2010 National Report on Sustainable Forests

Photo: Sustainability Report Cover Page.View or print 2010 Sustainability Draft report (PDF) 4,156 KB's

The Draft National Report on Sustainable Forests--2010 describes the state of forests in the United States of America and the indicators of national progress toward the goal of sustainable forest management. If you wish to comment please follow the instructions provided on the comment link on the left side of this page.

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