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(106 publications)
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19-2009-001 Mandatory Training for VHA Privacy Officers, FOIA Officers, and their Alternates, 19E - OI Communications Service 01/09/2009 07/31/2009
10-2008-013 Recommendations for Use of Fluorides in Medical Management of Dental Caries, 112D - Dentistry Service 09/15/2008 03/31/2009
10-2008-012 Mark Wolcutt Awards for Clinical Excellence, 11 - Office of Patient Care Services 08/20/2008 04/30/2009
2008-011 Bed Bugs, 111 - Acute Care Strategic Healthcare Group 08/08/2008 02/28/2009
10-2008-010 Access to Dental Care for Medically Compelling Conditions, 113 - Prosthetics Service 07/14/2008 01/31/2009
10-2008-009 Advance Directives for Mental health: An Ethical Analysis of State Laws and Implicatins for VHA Policy, 10E - National Center for Ethics in Healthcare 07/03/2008 01/31/2009
10-2008-008 Implementation of Procedures for Admission of Residents from OEF/OIF for Care in VA Community Living Centers (Formerly Known as Nursing Home Care Units), 114 - Geriatrics and Extended Care Service 07/01/2008 12/31/2008
10-2008-007 Announcement of the David M. Worthen Award for Academic Excelence, 14 - Academic Affiliations Service 03/12/2008 09/30/2008
10-2008-006 Body Piercing and Tattoos, 11 - Office of Patient Care Services 03/11/2008 09/30/2008
10-2008-005 The Under Secretary for Health Awards for Excellence in Social Work, 11CCSW - Social Work Service 02/15/2008 08/31/2008
10-2008-004 Under Secretary for Health's Award for Excellence in Nutrition Care Practice, 110A - Nutrition and Food Service 01/29/2008 07/31/2008
10-2008-003 2008 Marsha Goodwin-Beck Interdisciplinary Awards for Excellence in Geriatrics, 114 - Geriatrics and Extended Care Service 01/28/2008 07/31/2008
10-2008-002 Formulary Utilization of Insulin Pens, 111 - Acute Care Strategic Healthcare Group 01/07/2008 07/31/2008
10-2008-001 Procedures for Assessing Suspected Alcohol Intoxication and Behavior Risk Including Use of Breathalyzers, 116 - Mental Health Service 01/02/2008 07/31/2008
10-2007-018 Intermittent Catheterization and the Use of Sterile Catheters, 11 - Office of Patient Care Services 12/13/2007 06/30/2008
10-2007-017 Department of Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service (VAVS) National Advisory Committee (NAC) 2007 Recommendations (CORRECTED COPY), 10C2 - Voluntary Service Program 12/03/2007 06/30/2008
10-2007-016 Impaired Driving in Older Adults Ethical Challenges for Health Care Professionals, National Center for Ethics in Healthcare (10E) 11/08/2007 05/31/2008
10-2007-015 Mark Wolcott Awards for Clinical Excellence, Office of Patient Care Services (11) 10/22/2007 04/30/2008
10-2007-013 Vaccination to Prevent Herpes Zoster, Office of Patient Care Services (11) 09/21/2007 03/31/2008
10-2007-014 Antidepressants and Suicidality, Mental Health Service (116) 09/21/2007 03/31/2008
10-2007-012 Vaccination to Prevent Cervical Cancer Caused by Certain Types of Genital Human Papillomavirus, Office of Patient Care Services (11) 09/04/2007 03/30/2008
10-2007-011 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening, Office of Patient Care Services (11) 08/27/2007 02/29/2008
10-2007-010 The Role of Norovirus in Outbreaks of Gastroenteritis, Acute Care Strategic Healthcare Group (111) 07/26/2007 01/31/2008
10-2007-009 MYIASIS, Acute Care Strategic Healthcare Group (111) 05/17/2007 10/31/2007
10-2007-008 Ethical Aspects of the Relationship Between Clinicians and Surrogate Decision Makers, National Center for Ethics in Healthcare (10E) 04/12/2007 11/30/2007
14-2007-001 Announcement of the David M. Worthern Award for Academic Excellence, Academic Affiliations Service (14) 03/27/2007 08/31/2007
10-2007-007 VA Notice 06-1, Veterans On Whose Behalf VA Pays Per Diem to States for Care in State Veterans Homes, Geriatrics and Extended Care Service (114) 03/08/2007 10/30/2007
10-2007-006 Human Transportation Services Coordination, VHA Business Office (16) 03/02/2007 10/31/2007
10N-2007-001 IMedConsent [Trademark] Guidance, National Center for Ethics in Healthcare (10E) 02/22/2007 08/31/2007
10-2007-005 Department Of Veterans Affairs Voluntary Service (VAVS) National Advisory Committee (NAC) 2006 Recommendations, Voluntary Service Program (10C2) 02/07/2007 09/30/2007
10-2007-004 Under Secretary for Health's Award for Excellence in Nutrition Care Practice, Acute Care Strategic Healthcare Group (111) 01/31/2007 08/31/2007
10-2007-002 The Under Secretary for Health's Awards for Excellence in Social Work, Social Work Service (11CCSW) 01/16/2007 08/31/2007
10-2007-003 Marsha Goodwin-Beck Interdisciplinary Awards For Excellence in Geriatrics, Geriatrics and Extended Care Service (114) 01/12/2007 08/31/2007
10-2007-001 Sarcoidosis, Public Health and Environmental Hazards (13) 01/09/2007 08/31/2007
10-2006-013 New JCAHO Performance Requirement for Mitigating the Risk of Suicide , Mental Health Service (116) 12/11/2006 06/20/2007
19-2006-002 Service Level Agreement for Storage of Records at the VA Records Center and Vault, Forms , Publications and Records Management Service (19E1) 10/19/2006 09/30/2007
10-2006-012 Mark Wolcott Awards for Clinical Excellence, Office of Patient Care Services (11) 09/14/2006 04/30/2007
10-2006-011 Storage And Inspection Of Controlled Substances in Research, Pharmacy Service (119) 08/29/2006 02/28/2007
10-2006-010 Potential Health Effects Among Veterans Involved In Military Chemical Warfare Agent Experiments Conducted From 1955 To 1975, Environmental Agents Service (131) 08/14/2006 02/28/2007
10E-2006-001 The Ethics Of Palliative Sedation, National Center for Ethics in Healthcare (10E) 08/03/2006 02/28/2007
10-2006-009 Airborne Particle Assessment Of Pharmaceutical Cleanrooms, Health Care Engineering (10 NB) 07/10/2006 01/31/2007
19-2006-001 VA Notice 06-01 and VA Handbook 6301, Policy and Procedures for Handling Electronic Mail Records, Office of Information (19) 07/06/2006 01/31/2007
10-2006-008 Microbiological Assessment of Pharmaceutical Cleanrooms, Health Care Engineering (10 NB) 06/29/2006 12/31/2011
10-2006-007 Guidelines And Recommendations For Services Provided By VHA Facilities To Incarcerated Veterans Re-entering Community Living, Mental Health Service (116) 06/27/2006 01/31/2007
12-2006-001 Solicitation Of Research Proposals To Establish Rehabilitation Research And Development Centers, Rehabilitation Research and Development Service (122) 06/21/2006 02/28/2007
14-2006-003 Reannouncement Of The David M. Worthen Award For Academic Excellence, Academic Affiliations Service (14) 06/15/2006 12/31/2006
14-2006-002 Ethics Training For Physician Residents, Academic Affiliations Service (14) 05/31/2006 11/30/2006
10-2006-006 Guidelines for Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Facilities Providing Self-Medication Programs to Eligible Veterans in Blind Rehabilitation Centers, Pharmacy Service (119) 02/24/2006 08/31/2006
10-2006-005 Compensation to Health Care Professionals from The Pharmaceutical Industry, National Center for Ethics in Healthcare (10E) 02/17/2006 08/31/2006
10-2006-004 Screening and Clinical Management of Traumatic Brain Injury, Office of Patient Care Services (11) 01/25/2006 07/31/2006
10-2006-003 Compliance and Business Integrity (CBI) Program, Office of Compliance and Business Integrity (10B3) 01/20/2006 07/31/2006
10-2006-002 Marsha Goodwin-Beck Interdisciplinary Awards for Excellence in Geriatrics, Geriatrics and Extended Care Service (114) 01/10/2006 07/31/2006
10-2005-024 The Under Secretary for Health's Diversity Awards Program, Office of Management Support (10A2) 12/07/2005 06/30/2006
10-2005-023 Respiratory Protection Used for Infectious Disease and Annual Fit-testing, Environmental Epidemiology Service (135) 12/01/2005 05/31/2006
12-2005-003 Solicitation of Applications for Research for Advancements in Technology for The Treatment of Obesity, Research and Development Service (12) 10/25/2005 04/30/2010
12-2005-004 Solicitation of Applications for Chronic Pain Treatment and Management, Research and Development Service (12) 10/25/2005 04/30/2010
10-2005-021 Ethics Consultation: Responding To Ethics Concerns In Health Care, National Center for Ethics in Healthcare (10E) 10/04/2005 04/30/2006
19-2005-001 Service Level Agreement for Storage of Records at The VA Records Center and Vault, Forms , Publications and Records Management Service (19E1) 09/22/2005 03/31/2006
10-2005-018 Clostridium Difficile (C. difficile), Acute Care Strategic Healthcare Group (111) 09/08/2005 03/31/2006
10-2005-019 Patient Care Ergonomic Program, Environmental Agents Service (131) 09/08/2005 03/31/2006
10-2005-017 Need for Routine Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) Risk Assessment and Testing, Public Health Service (13B) 09/02/2005 03/31/2006
10-2005-016 VHA Oseltamivir Stockpile, Public Health Service (13B) 09/02/2005 03/31/2006
10-2005-15 Telephone Care Responses To Questions Regarding The Audible Prescription Reading Device (APRD), Office of Patient Care Services (11) 08/30/2005 02/28/2006
10-2005-014 Cervical Cancer Screening for Women Enrolled in the VA Health Care System, Women Veterans Health Program (133) 08/08/2005 02/28/2006
10-2005-013 Changes to VHA Leadership Structure, Under Secretary for Health (10) 07/28/2005 01/31/2006
11-2005-002 Use of Global Positioning System (GPS) Devices, Prosthetics Service (113) 07/22/2005 01/31/2006
10-2005-011 Sarcoidosis, Occupational Health Program (136) 05/27/2005 11/30/2005
10-2005-010 Disclosure Patients' Protection Health Information to Surrogates, National Center for Ethics in Healthcare (10E) 05/25/2005 11/30/2005
10-2005-009 Colorectal Cancer Screening, Acute Care Strategic Healthcare Group (111) 05/16/2005 11/30/2005
10-2005-008 VHA Mission, Core Values, Vision, Domains of Value and Planning Strategies, Under Secretary for Health (10) 05/09/2005 06/30/2006
10-2005-007 Control of Moisture and Mold in VHA Facilities, Environmental Agents Service (131) 05/04/2005 11/30/2005
10-2005-006 Solid Organ and Bone Marrow Transplantation for Veterans Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Office of Patient Care Services (11) 04/18/2005 10/31/2005
10-2005-005 Efficacy of High-protein Low-carbohydrate Diet in Promoting Weight Loss, Nutrition and Food Service (110A) 03/17/2005 09/30/2005
10-2005-004 Health Effects Among Veterans Exposed to Mustard and Lewisite Chemical Warfare Agents, Environmental Agents Service (131) 03/14/2005 09/30/2005
17-2005-001 Use of Government Travel card, Financial Management and Accounting Office (173A) 02/14/2005 08/31/2005
10-2005-002 Communication with Veterans and Their Families, Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and Management (10N) 02/11/2005 08/31/2005
10-2005-003 Delivery of Outpatient Prescriptions Following A Significant Weather Event, Pharmacy Service (119) 02/11/2005 08/31/2005
10-2005-001 Request for Proposals (RFP) To Establish Veterans Integrated Service Network Telehealth Programs In Teleretinal Imaging For Diabetic Retinopathy, Office of Care Coordination (11CC) 01/13/2005 07/12/2005
11-2005-001 Implementation of the RAI/MDS on LTC-SCI Units, Office of Patient Care Services (11) 01/06/2005 07/30/2005
10-2004-019 Exposure to Hazardous Drugs, Health Care Engineering (10 NB) 12/21/2004 06/30/2005
10-2004-018 Post-Polio Syndrome (Late Sequelae), Acute Care Strategic Healthcare Group (111) 12/07/2004 05/31/2005
10-2004-017 Request for Proposals (RFP) To Become a National VHA Care Coordination Training Center, Office of Care Coordination (11CC) 10/28/2004 04/30/2005
10-2004-014 The Managing Overweight And/Or Obesity For Veterans Everywhere (MOVE!) Program, Acute Care Strategic Healthcare Group (111) 10/07/2004 04/30/2005
10-2004-013 Guidance For The Diagnosis And Treatment Of Leishmania Infection, Public Health and Environmental Hazards (13) 10/06/2004 04/30/2005
10-2004-012 Online Patient-Clinician Messaging: Fundamentals of Ethical Practice, National Center for Ethics in Healthcare (10E) 08/26/2004  
10-2004-011 Credentialing And Privileging Of Doctors Of Chiropractic, Acute Care Strategic Healthcare Group (111) 08/23/2004 02/28/2005
10-2004-10 Annual Inspection of VA Pharmaceutical Caches, Pharmacy Service (119) 08/13/2004 02/28/2005
10-2004-009 Security For Radioactive Materials, Office of Patient Care Services(11) 08/02/2004 02/28/2005
10-2004-008 Diversity Advisory Board Appointments, Office of the Deputy Under Secretary for Health(10A) 07/19/2004 01/31/2005
12-2004-001 Solicitation Of Applications For Deployment Health Services Research, Research and Development Service (12) 07/09/2004  
10-2004-007 Possible Long-term Health Effects From the Malarial Prophylaxis Mefloquine (LARIAM), Environmental Agents Service (131) 06/23/2004  
10-2004-005 Non-Institutional Extended Care, Geriatrics and Extended Care Service (114) 05/03/2004  
10-2004-004 Request For Proposals (RFP) For Care Coordination And Home Telehealth Implementation Projects, Under Secretary for Health (10) 03/30/2004  
19-2004-001 Medical Library Association National Meeting, Office of Information (19) 03/26/2004  
10-2004-003 Education Initiative for Veterans: , Under Secretary for Health (10) 02/25/2004  
10-2004-002 Gifts to Health Care Professionals From the Pharmaceutical Industry, Deputy Under Secretary for Health for Operations and Management (10N) 02/17/2004  
10-2004-001 Clinical Reminder Regarding Veterans in the Recent Conflicts in Afghanistan and Iraq, Under Secretary for Health (10) 02/06/2004  
10-2003-014 Long-term Effects of Heat-related Illnesses, Public Health and Environmental Hazards (13) 11/20/2003  
10-2003-010 Role of Norovirus in Outbreaks of Gastroenteritis, Public Health and Environmental Hazards (13) 09/23/2003  
19-2003-003 2003 VA Health Information Managers Annual Conference and 75th American Health Information Management Association (AHIMA) National Convention, Office of Information (19) 09/12/2003  
10-2003-009 Under Secretary for Health's Information Letter Ethical Boundaries in Patient-Clinician Relationships, Under Secretary for Health (10) 08/28/2003  
19-2003-002 Guidelines Regarding the Outside Employment of VHA Employees, Office of Information (19) 07/28/2003  
10-2003-006 Jimmy Lee Award Program for Innovation in Human Resources Management, Under Secretary for Health (10) 07/17/2003  
IL 10-2003-01 Disclosing Adverse Events To Patients, National Center for Ethics in Healthcare (10E) 05/13/2003  
10-2002-17 Under Secretary For Health's Information Letter Myiasis, Environmental Agents Service (131) 09/11/2002