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High-Speed Trains by SAM

It sounds like science fiction but hear me out:

We should look into starting the research and development into High-Speed Trains that run on solar power with back up hydrogen batteries (3 storage backup batteries per train).  It would be more energy efficient and faster than driving or air travel.


With the system of the three backup batteries that are recharged via the train’s solar power system the train could rotate the depleting of the batteries one at time back into the new power grid. With two batteries fully powered at all times we would not have to worry about the train not having power. Either from the solar power system or the backup batteries if need be. The trains could run along the right-of-way of the power lines and crisscross the country with train stations also plugged into the power grid so that the train’s power system can be used to feed back into the power grid throughout the country using the train stations as feeding stations for the electric power grid.


If the trains are government owned then the electric companies could pay a fee for the solar power and that could help reduce the national debt. The possibilities are endless.

10 Comments  »  Posted by NC_Smith to Economy, Education, Energy and Environment, Homeland Security, Technology, Additional Issues on 1/12/2009 12:06 PM


1/12/2009 12:09 PM
Good idea it helps reduce the need for foreign oil.
1/12/2009 12:15 PM

J.M. Lee and I are thinking along the same line! Part of my issue with air travel is the negative attitudes of airline workers. I still like solar powered high-speed trains are the future with green jobs, expanded technology, and would be a friend to the economy. Plus it fits into almost every category on the list.

1/12/2009 12:18 PM
 High speed trains...great idea.  Layperson directed propulsion technology...bad idea.  I agree we should be aggressively investigating alternative energy sources, but to stipulate one over another without the considering the capabilities trade-offs each is not advisable.  

Consider the rush to legislate ethanol use in gasoline.  We now have spawned an industry that is not economically viable in the long term.  
1/12/2009 2:02 PM
How cost effective are these batteries compared to tried-and-true overhead catenaries?

on the other hand, battery technology for trains and swap-out could be related to swap-out infrastructure for cars.
1/12/2009 2:09 PM

Good idea, but why is it listed under "Education"?
Julian Haight
1/12/2009 2:17 PM
This sounds great, but some problems come to mind.  I think we should just focus on financing mass transit as a whole and not try to pick "winning" technology.


- Many power lines go straight up cliff-faces, over rivers or other terrain not suitable for rail lines.  Trains need a reasonable grade.
- No way a high speed train will get enough power from solar or batteries (barring some amazing technological advance).  You need a hard-wire to the electrical grid or some much higher density energy store (fossile or nuclear).

I agree with the sentiment, just not the specifics.  I voted up high speed rail + light rail suggestion.  I'm voting this one down.    From what I know, this is science fiction.  I'm happy to be convinced this is feasable, but you have not done that so far.

1/12/2009 10:26 PM

I strongly encourage everyone who votes up this idea to vote up the idea MEXICAN DRUG WAR is AMERICAN DRUG WAR: Revamp the Controlled Substance Act for Border Security

Here's where you can find it:

To be politically expedient, we should not be asking Obama to "legalize marijuana." We should ask him to revamp the Controlled Substance Act, descheduling marijuana so that it may eventually be feasible to make legalized.

Since it is a new idea and needing a BOOST, please vote this up and encourage all your friends to do so as well!

Julian Haight
1/13/2009 12:04 PM
@kreinert: Stop spamming.  I voted down every one of your "ideas" on that basis.  I might actually agree with you, but as long as you are spamming, I (and I hope others) will vote you down.  You must be civil and respect this forum.

1/13/2009 12:45 PM
I agree Julian - I vote down anything like that.

On Topic - I LOVE the idea of a mass rail transit system.

Millions of jobs for creation
Greener tech
Alternative to flying

Great ideas everyone.
Matthew Rigney
1/13/2009 1:08 PM
High speed rail is excellent. But solar? We still haven't implemented the sort of systems other countries did 40 years ago. Plain ol' electric will do fine, and diesel ain't bad either.

I'm not voting this one down because I agree with the basic sentiment, but unlike the other rail-related proposals, I'm not voting it up either.
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