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Solar panels on large Postal facilities

Currently the US Postal Service is building facilities for the deployment of a new and very large machine to process "flats" or magazines and large envelopes.Due to tight budget constraints there is no provision to use these large rooftops to house solar panels.The Postal Service needs to be included in the provisions to make Federal facilities more energy sustainable.
6 Comments  »  Posted by Wiseman to Energy and Environment on 1/12/2009 11:50 AM


1/12/2009 11:58 AM
In addition to rooftops - ground, pole and open structure solar modules would also be applicable for parking lots and other structures including Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV) and solar energy service providers whom may utilized the area and provide serivce and energy to the facilities as an alternative. 
1/12/2009 12:09 PM
Why resrtict this to large post office facilities?
1/12/2009 12:24 PM
Think the thinking is to provide leadership and an investment for the long-haul? Sunlight would be the substantial solution:  Or for instance, "Building-integrated photovoltaic designs for commercial and institutional structures ... "   Not only renewable energy (RE), but also energy efficiency (EE)?
1/12/2009 1:16 PM
 Solar power only makes sense in some parts of the country.  Some areas don't get enough reliable sunlight to make a significant reduction in energy usage.

Today, solar is very expensive vs. other alternatives.  Also, solar panels generate lots of emissions while being built, transported, and installed.  Consequently, they should only be used in locations that have enough sunlight to offset their costs and emissions.
1/12/2009 1:51 PM
Check out Nanosolar.  They have a photovoltaic technology that is 1/5 the cost of silicon based PV and can be 'inkjet printed' on to any metal surface.  I live in central NY down wind of the lake effect.  We receive fewer sunny days than Seattle.  PV is viable here.  Add distributed wind down to the scale of EdisonLabs parking lot light pole system and we could eliminate our need for coal, oil, nuclear, and natural gas fired power plants in the lower 48 and Hawaii.  I can see where Alaska may have problems, but their population is centered near the coast with large tidal swings and wind.  Start adding more geothermal assisted heat pump technology for building climate control and wireless resonance induction for powering transportaion without batteries and we could very quickly stop our greenhouse gas emissions, oil importation, and stimulate our economy.
1/12/2009 3:06 PM

When the "Federal Solar Tax Credits Extended for 8 Years, US Poised to Become Largest Solar Market in the World" and "Industry Leaders Forecast Dramatic Growth in the U.S. Solar Market by 2016 with Extension of Credit"   The situation has changed.  With regards to "solar is very expensive" would now provide an internal rate of return of approximately ~14% depending on location.  In addition, with the introduction micro-inversion now available with broadband internet connectivity for monitoring including both single and multi-tenant implementations.  Solar also does not have a substantial replishment cost along with proven proven utility interactive inverter implementations including macro-inverters.   Specifically for time of use and usage implementations the rate of return increases.

For 1kW and approximately 15.4 lbs.per day for 3 kW, depending on the centralized generation mix? Compared to approximately 48 lbs per year for a mature tree?  Sunlight would be the substantial solution?

The solar "emergy" - "being built, transported, and installed." has also changed.   Where "emergy" would be define, for instance, 'as total solar equivalent available energy of one form that was used up directly and indirectly in the work of making the product. In comparison to replenishment costs. '  And Emergy = Empower * Time, as Energy = Power * Time.  And Power = Voltage * Current.  Where sunlight or a photovoltaic system is primary "current" source.

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