NIOSH Mining Safety Idea

Ideas to Reduce Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders

Cable Management

Old Way:As the continuous miner advances, the miner cable gets pulled across the entry. The cable will now have to be manually pulled to clear the entry so that the shuttle cars and other mobile equipment can get by. The risks unclude bending and forceful exertions.
New Way:Placing a jack at strategic points in the section can help to reduce the need to manually pull the cable clear of the entry. A piece of PVC pipe can be placed so that it rotates around the fixed jack, allowing smooth movement of the cable.

Cable around corner  Cable around a jack
Old Way New Way
Page last updated: 9/17/2008
Page last reviewed: 5/28/2008
Content Source: National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Mining Division