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Fix the voting system in America

Now that the main election is behind us... can we take some time to ensure that all states have a reliable, robust and auditable system?

Rather than forgetting about this until the next election (when all the same issues will arise again) can we fix the system while its not under stress, test it out to make sure it works, and then move on with our lives?

Here's an intelligent idea:
8 Comments  »  Posted by Brian From Chicago to Additional Issues on 1/12/2009 10:26 AM


1/12/2009 11:06 AM
 Great suggestion. While we're at it, we should also improve our voting *methods* -- e.g., encourage Approval voting to reduce the 'spoiler' effect:

Or even (where possible), move all the way to ranked choice voting:

And maybe even use these techniques to streamline Congress!

Ernest N. Prabhakar, Ph.D.
1/12/2009 1:48 PM
   An idea I'd like to see take root is something I will refer to as a WikiVoter website. This would be a website that one can go to and find out all about all the offices that they will be expected to vote on as well as all about all the candidates running for that position.
    I own the web domain named and will donate it to any organization that is willing to institute such a system.
1/12/2009 1:48 PM
   An idea I'd like to see take root is something I will refer to as a WikiVoter website. This would be a website that one can go to and find out all about all the offices that they will be expected to vote on as well as all about all the candidates running for that position.
    I own the web domain named and will donate it to any organization that is willing to institute such a system.
1/12/2009 1:48 PM
   An idea I'd like to see take root is something I will refer to as a WikiVoter website. This would be a website that one can go to and find out all about all the offices that they will be expected to vote on as well as all about all the candidates running for that position.
    I own the web domain named and will donate it to any organization that is willing to institute such a system.
1/12/2009 2:08 PM
   (Sorry about that. I pressed the wrong key too soon.)
  An idea I'd like to see take root is something I'll refer to as a WikiVoter website. This would be a website one can go to and find out about all the offices they will be expected to vote on, as well as about all the candidates running for that position.
    I own the web domain named and will gladly donate it to any organization willing to institute such a system.
   Anyways or what ever name it goes by will work something like this... Jane Q. Public is interested in casting their vote to a deserving candidate who has their best interests in mind but has only limited knowledge of the candidates. Right now unless a votor follows the news about candidates everyday year round, her only resources on making her decision will be based on what she hears about a candidate from adds placed on the television or radio, read info they receive in the mail from a campaign or read what the voter pamplet mailed to them from the elections office might have to say.
   WikiVoter will allow them another resource that will not only broaden her field of knowledge substancially but will also level the playing field for candidates with little campaign funds verse those with unlimited funding.
   To access the voter will go to the website  and type in their address or simply zipcode and all the offices they will be voting on will appear. From there, a voter can look at any individual office and view all the candidates running for that particuler office. From there the voter can view much about each individual candidate.  The voter can view a candidates past voting record, the candidates campaign statements and brochure, and like the 'Letters to the Editor' section of a newspaper, the voter can view what others in their community have to say about a candidate as well as submit their own statement either pro or con about the candidate.
  Most all the info that would be posted at can be gleemed from other sources because it is mostly in public records already. That's my idea, Thanks.
1/12/2009 3:25 PM
I would like to see all states vote on the same day for president, in the Primary's. After all, we are the United States of America. If that means that we have to make it a federal day off, then so be it. People should not be influenced by how another state voted, or be put through the "circus" that primary after primary became this year. Although the outcome was wonderful, everyone was so tired of it all that we were all "crazy" by the end of it. I can only imagine how tired Barack and Michelle were, as well as all the other candidates. Yes We Did.....God Bless America !!!!!!
1/13/2009 5:59 AM
Yes! Please, anyone else that's passionate about this issue, take some time and develop some of your own educated and specific ideas for electoral and campaign finance reform. There needs to be more on this subject in this forum. If our democracy doesn't keep evolving toward true popular representation, it dies!
The Progressive Logic Guy
1/13/2009 12:48 PM

Internet Voting Now
Big banks transfer billions of dollars around the globe without loosing a cent.  Our country needs a system as secure as that for Internet voting.  If organized correctly, Internet voting could avoid the need for campaign contributions, and establish a 100% democratic system.  (See )


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