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For Surgeon General

Dr. Howard Dean.

Dr. Gupta is unsuitable, beholden to the pharmaceuticals he is.

Dr. Dean made the Democratic Party into the success it now is. He should not have been snubbed by the Obama administration.;

I do not support  the DLC and I shall never donate to the DNC if the 50-state agenda is abandoned.
3 Comments  »  Posted by Karen Hedwig Backman on 1/12/2009 10:37 AM


1/13/2009 7:09 AM
Dr. Gupta is a big joke. I vote for Dr. Oz. (Ask Oprah!)
1/13/2009 12:53 PM
Gupta's pending appointment as Surgeon General makes me wonder if the incoming adminstration has a true grasp of Public Health.  From the OSG website: "The Surgeon General serves as America's chief health educator by providing Americans the best scientific information available on how to improve their health and reduce the risk of illness and injury." A pretty face, being able to speak well in front of the camera and other venues provides for a method of communicating but does nothing to make Gupta qualified as the "chief health educator" who can provide the best scientific information available on prevention.

The Transition Team is aware of a medical specialty called Preventive Medicine, right?

I am greatly disappointed in this choice. There are plenty of qualified physicians with true expertise in disease prevention/health promotion and the ability to bring the best evidence to the nation and public policy.  The choice of Gupta, as with other SG choices, makes a mockery of Public Health.
1/13/2009 8:45 PM
Refer to Guptas attempted hatchet job on Michael Moore and  his movie Sicko that  was broadcast on CNN.   
Refer to Larry King Show debated between Gupta and Moore and how  Dr. Gupta refused to admitt his free market idealogy and how he flat  out lied in his reporting.
Dr. Guptas embedded reporting from Iraq will also turn your stomach.
Michael Moore has a rebuttal to all of Dr. Guptas claims about the distortions  in Sicko on his website.
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