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Make It Harder to Outsource

Reward those companies that refuse to outsource.  I cannot believe that there are no Americans to fill the jobs that we continue to send abroad.  And if a company refuses to invest in our country, and goes the route of outsourcing, then have them pay a "fee", a "tax", a "penalty"; something to offset the amount of money that they are denying our economy.  Make it harder to outsource.  Bring the jobs back home.

7 Comments  »  Posted by alpinemom on 1/12/2009 12:17 PM


1/12/2009 2:47 PM

I agree 100% with alpinemom we make it too easy for companies to turn their backs on the United States. Support and reward the companies which stay in the United States. Place fees on products coming into the US.  I try to buy American whenever I can, and it is getting harder and harder to do that every year. 

1/13/2009 9:05 AM
One way to accomplish this would be to eliminate the tax deduction for the costs related to outsourcing. Treat those dollars as income and subject them to full corporate tax rate. Millions of jobs (manufacturing, IT and engineering to name a few) have been sent outside the country to provide products and services for us. This is crazy these jobs belong here. In addition, as demand for these products and services grows the extra jobs that would be created here to support that growth are now being created elsewhere, thus depriving our economy of needed jobs.
Remember the economy has to create approximately 140 thousand jobs a month just to stay even with population growth. That works out to 1.6 million jobs a year. Unfortunately for Obama, just keeping up with the status quo is not going to absorb all of the people whose jobs have been outsourced. Outsourcing needs to be reversed now if we ever hope to get our country back on track.
1/13/2009 10:46 AM
agree with above. and saw online interview (CNN w/IBMs Sam Palmisano) where Sam doesn't see the jobs in Brazil (for example) as 'outsourcing' b/c of IBMs existing presence there.  Even as someone directly affected by the loss of those jobs in the US, I tried to give him a moment with that thought.  But couldn't. Many of the jobs were ones formerly done in the US. So, to 'eliminate' the jobs and layoff the folks that were doing it here- then have the jobs exist in another country - that to me  =taking jobs away from US.  especially if it is a job that can and was done in the US.  Sure, if the job in question was one like a field rep or repair tech where being physically close to the customer was needed -then hire a  Brazilian, b/c it can't be done from the US.  But a customer support center?  come on Sam...nice dance around that answer!  But please, people of "" and the US -don't let him fool you.  IBM is laying off people all the time now, many in ways that are unnoticed b/c not required by law to report it.  Make them report even small numbers, so the whole truth is seen.  Prevent them from coming up with creative ways to avoid severance or unemployment. Better yet, do something to incite them to keep the jobs.
Hungry for Change
1/13/2009 2:36 PM

I agree, reward those companies that keep jobs here in the USA.  IBM has offices in Brazil FOR outsourcing!  That is such BS! 

For those companies (which are endless at this point) that do outsource, there needs to be HARD penalty for these companies.  Folks many Corporations do not pay taxes, in fact get refunds!  So it needs to be a penalty not linked with taxes and darn good one at that!

Dick in Raleigh
1/13/2009 3:02 PM
The above comments said it well. There has to be a way to tax, charge a fee, or otherwise penalize companies taking jobs offshore in order to increase profits. A related issue is the guest worker program, which lets corporations bring into the US foreign workers, thereby denying US workers those jobs.
Qualified US IT Worker
1/13/2009 5:54 PM
Agreed. Let's close all those promised "loopholes" and penalize companies that outsource.

Look up these won't accept links.

Duke Study:

"There is No Shortage of U.S. Engineers"

"Study says H-1B's Aren't the Best or Brightest"

"Research finds US H-1B Visa Holders Paid Less"


1/13/2009 6:06 PM
Agreed... Reward those that BUILD America.
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