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Freight Rail Security Grant Awards

Grant Awards for Fiscal Years 2006, 2007, and 2008

The Grants Submission Deadline has been extended to 01/23/09 at 11:59 p.m. EST.
Application Forms are now available on

"Over the years, we've moved away from a 'dividing the pie' strategy to one based on risk." - Kip Hawley, TSA Administrator

The FY08 Freight Rail Security Grant Program (FRSGP) is a newly established program. The FY08 FRSGP provides funding to railroad operators that transport security-sensitive materials (SSM) through high-density population areas. The FY08 FRSGP will fund the development of vulnerability assessments and security plans, and security training of railroad front-line employees. Six projects were approved for funding for FY08.

The following pie charts illustrate the distribution of funding by project type for the FY08 FRSGP. There are no comparison charts since this was a new program in 2008.

FRSGP: FY08; $4,991,429. Training 94%. Vulnerability Assessments and Security Plans 6%.

For more information about the award amounts to each grantee, please refer to the FRSGP funding table.

For more information about eligibility, program priorities, and the application process, please refer to the FY08 FRSGP guidance.

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