Expanded Authorities for America's Career Resource Network (ACRN) Grants

Program Memorandum - OVAE/DVTE - FY2001-01

Date:January 11, 2001
To:Project Directors for America's Career Resource Network (ACRN) Grants
From:Patricia W. McNeil
Subject:Expanded Authorities

This memorandum is to affirm that the expanded authorities referenced and described in the handout given at the recent America's Career Resource Network (ACRN) conference are applicable to ACRN grants. Following is an explanation of how the expanded authorities are included as part of the terms and conditions of the ACRN grants.

The ACRN Federal Register Notice cites the regulations in Parts 74, 75 and 80 of the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) among those that are applicable to the grants. Part 74 of EDGAR outlines administrative regulations pertaining to institutions of higher education, hospitals, and other nonprofit organizations. Section 74.25(e) contains expanded authorities; i.e., four areas in which grantees may exercise authority (within certain prescribed limits) without obtaining prior written approval by the Department of Education. These four areas include: pre-award costs; one-time extensions; the carry forward of unobligated balances of funds; and, post-award budget changes.

Although Part 80 of EDGAR does not contain a reference to expanded authorities, Part 75 of EDGAR does extend the expanded authorities to States, local governments, and federally-recognized Indian tribal governments. Therefore, we are attaching for your information a document which provides further explanation of the expanded authorities and how they apply to ACRN grants: Grant Policy Bulletin No. 19, entitled "Part 75 Amendments (Expanded Authorities) -- UPDATED," with attachments issued on March 22, 1999, by the Department's Grants Policy and Oversight Staff. One of these attachments is the Department's Final Rule on Direct Grant Programs, published on July 28, 1997, in the Federal Register.

If you have questions about expanded authorities, you may contact your State liaison within the Division of Vocational and Technical Education.


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Last Modified: 09/15/2004