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SimpliFLY Your Carry-ons

Air Travel

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TSA's SimpliFLY Video

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Click here to watch how to SimpliFLY.
Read the transcript.

TSA would like to help you get through the security checkpoint quickly and have a safe flight to your destination. Our Transportation Security Officers will be working around the clock to provide an efficient security process. We're asking you to become an active partner in your security experience by knowing the rules and carefully packing your carry-on bags.

Pack smart to get through faster. Keep luggage organized by layering items; this will increase visibility for the security officers. When approaching the checkpoint, be prepared. Boarding pass and ID should be ready for inspection, outer garments and shoes must come off, any loose metal items should be placed in your carry-on, and all liquids must come out of bags. All liquids must be kept in the 3-1-1 format unless needed for special medical purposes.


Here's how to SimpliFLY your overall security experience:

Pack Simply to Fly Through Security

The images below show a group of items packed two ways: the items on the left are packed neatly and the items on the right are loose and cluttered. In these images, you can clearly see what all the items are, but our Transportation Security Officers don't see your bag like this - they see an X-ray image on a screen. And they have to quickly determine if your bag contains a potential threat. You know you're not a threat, but our TSOs don't know you, and seemingly innocent items can actually appear to be potential threats in an X-ray image, simply by the way they're packed.

Photo of two suitcases: the left one is organized, the right one is unorganized

We're Here to Help

TSA employees will be out in front of the checkpoint, ready to help you get through the security process. Keeping in mind things that tend to slow down lines, many security officers will give helpful reminders as you go through security. The most common mistakes made at the checkpoint are listed below:

If you require any special assistance going through security, please notify a security officer as soon as you enter the checkpoint area.

How You Can Help Us

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How to Pack Liquids: 3-1-1

photo of 3-1-1 banner

Liquid explosives still present a threat to aviation. To speed your trip through the checkpoint, pack all of your liquids in your checked bag. If you must take liquids through the checkpoint and onto the plane, be sure to follow the 3-1-1 rules for liquids, aerosols and gels. Please keep in mind that 3-1-1 doesn’t just apply to toiletries like shampoo and toothpaste, it applies to drinks, food, liquor and perfume.

Certain items are exempt from the 3-1-1 rules because of medical necessity. Medications like insulin, cough syrup and ointments, and infant needs such as breast milk and formula may be brought through the checkpoint in reasonable quantities as long as you declare them to a security officer. Other liquid items in quantities larger than three ounces should be placed in your checked bags.

TSA 3-1-1 Travel Tips:
  • 3-1-1: Three ounce containers or less, one quart zip top bag, one bag per person.
  • Take your zip top bag out of your carry-on and put it in a bin.
  • Declare any exempted liquids (medicine, breast milk, etc.) over 3 ounces to a security officer.
  • 3-1-1 applies to holiday items like perfume, after shave, lotions, salad dressing, salsa, creamy dips, jams and jellies.
  • If you are traveling to an international destination, be sure to follow rules regarding liquid duty free items like liquor and perfume.

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