Privacy Act Statement
FOIA Appeal Information

View the Act (PDF)

How to Make a FOIA Request

Sample FOIA Request Letter

FOIA Appeals

FOIA Exemptions

Fee Waiver Factors

Fee Schedule (PDF)



























Any appeal regarding the denial of records or the denial of a fee waiver by any component of the Forest Service, must be made in writing. Your appeal package should include a copy of the original request and copies of any response letters regarding the request. Your appeal must be received within 45 days from the date of the denial letter. The term "FOIA APPEAL" should be placed in capital letters on the front of the envelope and should be addressed as follows:

USDA Forest Service, Chief's Office
1400 Independence Avenue, SW
Mail Stop: 1143
Washington, DC 20250-1143

According to Title 7 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Subtitle A, 1.14 appeals, all final appeal responses require review by the Department of Agriculture Office of the General Counsel (OGC) for legal sufficiency. As soon as the OGC has completed its review, we will forward our final response to you.


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