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Time for CHANGE in Cuba

Dear President Obama,

I recently returned from taking my daughter on a OFAC approved family visit to Cuba. Please show my eight year old daughter that we supported the right presidential candidate by allowing her to visit her 85 year old great grandmother, 91 year old great uncle and 94 year old great aunt when whenever we choose,

Thank you
8 Comments  »  Posted by ChiChi to Foreign Policy on 1/12/2009 11:01 AM


1/12/2009 2:33 PM
Restricting travel to Cuba is pointless —

The embargo should end. [This will probably also be the most effective way to change the Cuban Government, which is already ready to make compromise.]
Class of '69er
1/12/2009 5:59 PM
Travel restrictions and the trade embargo with Cuba have done nothing and cannot be justified logically or morally.  Why are we interacting with China, Vietnam, and other communist nations without these scrupples?

These people are our neighbors and we have played the bully for far too long.  How can we justify telling Americans where they can travel in any case?
Kevin J. Kauth
1/13/2009 1:40 AM
Are we really still that scared of communism?  Cmon, they have great cigars!
1/13/2009 7:22 AM
I think that we could really work wonders with Cuba.  Sugar grows very well there, and other countries have been experimenting with alternative fuel made from such great local resources.  I find it very sad that a country that was founded on principles of equality and freedom restricts its citizens from interacting with another country due to differences of opinion.
Mysterious Traveller
1/13/2009 9:32 AM
I agree with all the comments here and applaud the originator of this post. 
rural populist
1/13/2009 10:21 AM
What I don't understand is we have restrictions and an embargo on Cuba while we trade with communist China? It's  time to stop the myopic hypocrisy and resume relations with Cuba!
1/13/2009 12:09 PM
Cuba is not only a nation that we should interact, but can also learn from. During the years of embargo they have become more sustainable then most of the US. We should look to them and learn about the Urban Farming that is prevalent throughout Cuba.
1/13/2009 4:52 PM
The greatest driver of change around the world is ENGAGEMENT.  We absolutely must engage Cuba.  I understand the isoloation of hostile governments, but preventing exchange between a peacful government we object to is icredibly counter productive.  Now is the time to re-engage Cuba and put the past behind us.
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