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Ending Marijuana Prohibition

I suggest that President Elect Obama appoint a marijuana study commission, (Shafer Commission 2.0), to gather the evidence needed to make a Science-Based decision on Marijuana Prohibition, and to PROPERLY define the differences between Marijuana and Hemp.
6 Comments  »  Posted by Matt to Economy, Energy and Environment, Homeland Security, Additional Issues on 1/12/2009 11:23 AM


1/12/2009 11:27 AM

Could we please stop posting niche suggestions to every category? 

1/12/2009 11:43 AM
 LisaB.... it was only posted once, but it applies to each category that it shows up in. Take care.
1/12/2009 12:28 PM
1/12/2009 3:25 PM
  Responsible consumption of marijuana within an appropriate setting is a personal choice, and thus should not be deemed a criminal act. However, regulation of marijuana is important, just as regulation of alcohol is important (age restrictions, restrictions on vehicle operation while intoxicated, etc). 

The dangers to society that marijuana use presents come only from the laws against it. Many individuals are jailed as pot-smokers, and are released as criminals as a result of that imprisonment. They are unable to find decent employment because of a criminal record, etc. Our law enforcement agencies have far more important issues to spend their resources on. In addition, we can gain so much economically and environmentally from the use of  non-THC industrial hemp that it is ridiculous for us to be so afraid of its propagation. 

The illegality of marijuana is a closed-minded, myopic remnant of the way we governed ourselves in the past, with fear and prejudice. Now that we have finally elected an open-minded administration, it is time we move forward in all areas of our society, including irresponsible criminalization of a plant. 
1/12/2009 10:01 PM
I am sorry to rain on your parade, but I don't think we need any more studies. There have been lots of studies on every aspect of marijuana use, drug use, and hemp already, and if you look at them you will notice that depending on who sponsored them they will come down on one or the other side of the issue. Studies are a propaganda tool in the war on drugs.  It is not possible to have a rational discussion (or an unbiased study) about the subject of a war while the war is raging all around you.

What we do need  is the political courage to debate this in public with an open mind, and an end to the political fear mongering and propaganda surrounding this issue. End the war on drugs, and then we can go and make studies that people can actually trust, and policies that are based on reason instead of fear and ignorance.

1/13/2009 3:30 PM
Facts are still facts. Studies can't ignore truth. And the TRUTH will be victorious.
Besides, it gives Obama the science that he's sworn not to ignore.
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