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Energy Supply & Demand
Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
Safety and Inspections
Environmental Impact Statements (EISs)
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LNG - Environment - Environmental Impact Statements (EISs)
    Staff of FERC and Port of Long Beach CA Issue Joint Draft Environmental Document on Long Beach LNG Proposed Project (Docket No. CP04-58-000, et al.)

    The environmental staffs of FERC and the Port of Long Beach (POLB) will recommend to their respective Commissions that Sound Energy Solutions' (SES) proposed project is the environmentally preferable/superior alternative that can meet the project objectives. The Draft EIS is a joint Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) that satisfies the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). The POLB is the lead California agency for CEQA.

    The draft EIS/EIR also includes a draft General Conformity Determination to assess the potential air quality impacts and an Application Summary Report to support a draft Port Master Plan amendment.

    Staff concludes the project would be an environmentally acceptable action because:

    • The LNG terminal would be located in a previously developed portion of the POLB and 100 percent of the routes of the pipelines and electric distribution facilities would cross heavily disturbed, industrialized areas associated with the POLB and surrounding areas.

    • The pipeline and electric distribution facilities would be consistent with existing surrounding uses and conform to the overall goals of the current Port Master Plan, local zoning ordinances, and relevant regional plans.

    • None of the events considered possible according to the LACFD criteria have the potential to produce radiant impacts that could affect the public outside of the industrial area defined by the POLB boundary line.

    • The project facilities would be designed to meet the POLB's seismic design criteria and exceed the seismic design criteria of NFPA 59A and other applicable codes.

    • The appropriate consultations with the FWS, NOAA Fisheries, and the SHPO have determined that the project would not adversely affect special status species, would not have a significant impact on EFH, and would have no impact on cultural resources.

    • SES would complete a full air quality analysis and identify any mitigation requirements necessary to allow the FERC to determine that the project conforms with the applicable state and regional plans.

    • Final design plans addressing the FERC's cryogenic design and technical review would be submitted for approval before construction.

    • SES would develop a Waterway Suitability Assessment in consultation with the Coast Guard and state and local officials that would determine the appropriate safety and security measures to mitigate the risks while an LNG ship is operating in the VTS area.

    • An environmental inspection and mitigation monitoring program would ensure compliance with all mitigation measures that become conditions of authorization.

    FERC Commissioners will take into consideration staff's recommendations and the final EIS when they make a decision on the project.

Updated: April 28, 2006