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Dredging Overview | Long Term Management Strategy (LTMS) | Cooperative Agencies | Permit Process
Dredging Work Windows | Disposal Work Windows | Essential Fish Habitat Information | Species List & Life Histories


Dredging and dredged material disposal activities that are conducted within the work windows as indicated in the Long-Term Management Strategy (LTMS) Management Plan, do not require further Endangered Species Act consultation. The permitting agencies will closely review the rationale for any dredging and disposal projects proposing work outside the work windows. Pursuant to the federal and California Endangered Species Acts, any projects proposing deviation from the work windows are required to undergo consultation with the appropriate resource agency.


Southern Delta

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Suisun Bay and Carquinez Strait

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North San Pablo Bay

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San Pablo Bay Channel

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Central San Francisco Bay

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Waters of Marin

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Richardson Bay

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South Central San Francisco Bay

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South San Francisco Bay

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Petaluma River, Sonoma Creek, Napa River

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