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Crime Prevention Coalition of America
National Crime Prevention Association

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Working with youth in grades seven through nine to teach them how to protect themselves, their schools, and their communities from crime and violence.

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Prevention Works Blog

Feed Item Technology Tuesday
Is our tech-enabled society safer for the capabilities tech brings us in the fields of crime prevention and intervention, like through-the-Web maps to track down kidnappers? Or are we less safe because of the ease with which authenticity is counterfeited, like a phishing scam that uses a bank’s logo?


Presidential Statement on Crime

NCPC President and CEO Alfonso E. Lenhardt calls upon President-elect Barack Obama to commit to a national agenda to prevent crime. Read the full press release.

Maryland Crime Victims Resource Center Releases Hope II RFP

The Maryland Crime Victims Resource Center is accepting applications for its Hope II grant. The $50,000 grant is open to eligible nonprofits throughout the country that want to support, expand, and improve services for underserved victims in high-crime, urban areas. For more information, visit or contact Keri Peterson at 301-952-0063.

December Catalyst Online

Check out this month’s Catalyst newsletter for the most recent crime prevention news and resources.

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