Mean Health Care Expenses of Adults Aged 18 and Older with an Expense, by Sex and Category of Service, 2005

Mean Health Care Expenses of Adults Aged 18 and Older with an Expense, by Sex and Category of Service, 2005
Category of Service Dollars per Person
Female Male
Total Health Care Services $5,211 $4,514
Hospital Inpatient Services $12,556 $17,401
Home Health Services $8,141* $5,427
Hospital Outpatient Services $1,909 $2,440
Prescription Medications $1,379 $1,240
Office-Based Medical Services $1,310 $1,209
Dental Services $609 $556
Other Medical Equipment/Services $388 $376

*This statistic should be interpreted with caution; the relative standard error is greater than 30 percent.

Source: U.S. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. Total Health Services-Mean and Median Expenses per Person With Expense and Distribution of Expenses by Source of Payment: United States, 2005. Medical Expenditure Panel Survey Component Data. Generated interactively. (January 14, 2008).

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