OVAE: Office of Vocational and Adult Education
Current Section

Preparing America's Future
Assistant Secretary Carol D'Amico visits schools, promotes program

Archived Information

Assistant Secretary Carol D'Amico launched a series of site visits to promote President George W. Bush's "No Child Left Behind" legislation. While visiting her home state of Indiana as well as stops in Florida, and Maryland, Assistant Secretary D'Amico took time to talk with students, teachers, and legislators about the issues most important to them.

Carol D'Amico speaks with students at Lafayette Jefferson High School

Assistant Secretary D'Amico speaks with Lafayette Jefferson High School students in Lafayette, Indiana. The Assistant Secretary treasures opportunities to talk with students.
Carol D'Amico speaks to the principal of a Dade County Public School in Miami, Florida

Rosy Diaz-Duque, principal of Dade County Public School in Miami, Florida, answers Assistant Secretary D'Amico's questions on a recent site visit. Assistant Secretary D'Amico values conversations with principals and teachers because they give her a first-hand account of what works in career and technical education.
View more images of Assistant Secretary Carol D'Amico's visits.

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Last Modified: 10/16/2007