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Title and Description:
Assessment of Loggerhead Sea Turtle Population in the Western North Atlantic
Assessment of loggerhead turtle population in North Atlantic and investigation of nest declines in the Western North Atlantic, particularly Florida.

ID:   80 Info. Type:  ISI
Estimated Dissemination Date:  12/31/2008
Contact Person:  Rebecca Rootes  NOAA Locator

Date First Posted in Peer Review Agenda:  06/16/2007

Estimated Peer Review Start Date:  8/1/2008

Review type:  individual letters
Expected number of peer reviewers:  3 or fewer
Peer reviewers will be selected by:  a designated outside organization

Will the public, including scientific or professional societies, be asked to nominate potential peer reviewers?  no

Will there be opportunities for the public to comment on the work product to be peer reviewed?  no

How?    NA

When? NA

Will the agency provide significant and relevant public comments to the peer reviewers before they conduct their review? no

Primary disciplines or expertise needed in the review:  Requirements for CIE Reviewers:

Three CIE reviewers are required to conduct a desk review (no travel is required) of a Loggerhead TEWG draft report (approximate length 120 pages), and each reviewer’s duties shall occupy a maximum of 5 days to conduct the peer review and produce a CIE independent peer review report.

The CIE reviewers shall have expertise with current quantitative skill as it relates to an understanding of life histories and stock assessment of large, long-lived, highly migratory marine vertebrates. CIE reviewers shall expertise and experience with generating stock assessments in a data poor situation and in the use of count data as proxies for population size (e.g., number of nests for this report) and population growth rates. The CIE reviewers shall have the requested expertise necessary to complete an impartial peer review and produce the deliverables in accordance with the SoW and ToR herein.

Comments on Peer Review: 
Charge statement:  ID80_Statement_of_Tasks_for_CIE_Reviewers.doc

The peer review was completed Oct. 15, but the peer review document is still being finalized. It is expected to be completed and ready for posting to a web site by the end of January, 2009.