Natural Resource Science Plan
Management Needs and Research Themes

Public Comment Period
ended November 30

We appreciate the efforts of everyone who provided comment on the Natural Resources Science Plan’s proposed research framework that was presented at a November 15 scoping meeting held at the Japanese Cultural Center.

Although the two-week comment period has ended there will be future opportunities to offer your comments on the complete draft plan in the spring of 2008.

Additionally, the framework, as well as additional reference materials will remain posted on our website until the draft plan is made public. You can access these resources by using the links to the right. You can also join our list serve, which will provide you with automatic updates via e-mail.

For more information, please contact the Monument office:

fax: 808-397-2662

Return to the main Research page to learn more about our programs and partnerships.

For Reference:

I Ke Āimo Nā Wa‘a
Download Report
Note: This is not the Natural Resouces Sience Plan.

Federal Register

Public Comment
Overview sheet

Press Release

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