Office of the United States Trade Representative
Europe Section Icon
President George W. Bush walks with Prime Minister of Ireland Bertie Ahern, right, and President of the European Commission Romano Prodi on the way to their joint press conference at the Dromoland Castle in Shannon, Ireland, Saturday, June 26, 2004.  (White House File Photo)
President George W. Bush walks with Prime Minister of Ireland Bertie Ahern, right, and President of the European Commission Romano Prodi on the way to their joint press conference at the Dromoland Castle in Shannon, Ireland, Saturday, June 26, 2004. (White House File Photo)
Current Issues
US-EU Regulatory Cooperation
Selection EU Enlargement
Selection US-E.U. Transatlantic Dialogue
Selection Dispute Settlement
Selection 04/20/2007 | Notice of Cancellation of April 24, 2007 Public Hearing on Potential Withdrawal of Tariff Concessions
Selection U.S.-Swiss Joint Declaration on Electronic Commerce
Selection US - Swiss Trade and Investment Cooperation Forum Agreement
Selection 2005 US-EEA EFTA Mutual Recognition Agreement
Selection 2005 US-EEA EFTA Marine Equipment MRA
Selection 2004 U.S.-EU Marine Equipment Agreement
Selection 1998 U.S.-EU Mutual Recognition Agreement
Selection U.S.-EU Understanding on Bananas
Selection U.S.-EU Regulatory Cooperation

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