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Fauci Honored at Heritage Ceremony

On Apr. 10, NIAID director Dr. Anthony Fauci (third from l) received the 2003 Ellis Island Family Heritage Award of the Statue of Liberty-Ellis Island Foundation for his contributions to the American experience, specifically in science and medicine. Also on hand were (from l) foundation founding chairman and former Chrysler CEO Lee Iacocca; awardee and baseball legend Yogi Berra; awardee and actress Cicely Tyson; awardee Abie Abraham, a World War II hero who survived the Bataan Death March; Kelly Hope, accepting the award of behalf of his father, entertainer Bob Hope; and football great and broadcaster Frank Gifford, host of the ceremony. All of the awardees trace their family roots through the Golden Door of Ellis Island; Fauci is the grandson of Italian immigrants.
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