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 Medical and

 Desert Visions Youth Wellness Center
painting of horse


climbing the wall Assesments are in the areas of:
  1. Chemical Dependency
  2. Emotional Behavior
  3. Spiritual / Traditional
  4. Psychiatry
  5. Psychology
  6. Nursing
  7. Vocational Training
  8. Education
  9. Recreation
  10. Nutrition

Individual Programs include:

MENTAL HEALTH support for substance abuse, through counseling, individual psychiatric and psychological sessions, chemical dependency education, art therapy, development of appropriate health and social skills, family involvement, a 12-step program, and aftercare planning.

EDUCATION is provided through a continuation of appropriate grade level curriculum, computer instruction, and field trips such as: Project Challenge, Job Corps, and local community colleges.

CULTURE is taught and practiced through traditional, spiritual and cultural awareness activities, such as: sweat lodges, talking circles, foods, art, music, songs, dance, etc.

RECREATION is provided through activities such as overnight camping, hiking, swimming, aerobics, basketball, volleyball, and ropes course.

NURSING is available 24-hours a day for medication administration, liason with local hospitals, and through health education.