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2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting Call for Papers

The Center for Sponsored Coastal Ocean Research (CSCOR) invites abstract submissions for the following sessions of the 2008 Ocean Sciences Meeting to be held March 2-7, 2008 in Orlando, Florida.  Deadline for abstract submittal is October 2, 2007.  Please submit all abstracts to and for additional information about a session please contact the organizer listed below.

Session #056 - “Ecosystem Research Informing Management Decisions

Traditional coastal resource management has focused on individual resources and stressors. Coastal science and management institutions in the US and internationally are increasingly calling for regional ecosystem approaches to management. The purpose of this session is to provide a forum to highlight and explore model ecosystem studies supporting coastal management.  For additional information, contact Felix A. Martinez,; Elizabeth Turner,; or Mike Dowgiallo,

Session #076 - “Watersheds and Coral Reefs: Science, Policy and Implementation”

Coral reefs worldwide are being degraded by human-induced disturbances, resulting in ecological, economic and cultural losses. Runoff and sedimentation are among the greatest threats to coastal reefs surrounding high islands and adjacent to continental landmasses.  This session will focus on case histories that provide insight on how biophysical and the social sciences can be applied to manage human behaviors responsible for coral reef destruction.  For additional information, contact Felix A. Martinez,, or Mike Dowgiallo,

Session #107 - “Ecology and Oceanography of Harmful Algal Blooms: Regional and Comparative Studies of the GEOHAB and ECOHAB Programs”

This session will focus on synthesis papers that report on large scale regional Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) projects, or which apply comparative approaches for HABs in upwelling, eutrophic, coastal lagoon or highly stratified systems.  For more information contact Danielle Luttenberg Meitiv,