United States Department of Veterans Affairs
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
VA Careers | VA & You | Experienced Professionals
     VA & Experienced Professionals

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Experienced Professionals

VA employees who have worked in the private sector cite a variety of reasons why they prefer the VA health system and plan to stay. Here are just a few:

  • Care Teams - Our doctors, physician assistants, nurses, therapists, pharmacists, and other professionals work together in an interdisciplinary care team structure. They do patient rounds together and consult with one another to arrive at the best course of care for each patient. In this environment, everyone's opinion is heard and valued.
  • Autonomy of Practice - At the same time, VA respects the specialized knowledge of its health care professionals and grants a level of autonomy within individuals' scopes of practice that you won't find in the private sector. We offer the freedom and resources you deem necessary to provide your patients with the best care possible.
  • Focus on Patients, Not Profit - VA treats patients for the rest of their lives, and their care does not produce profit. In this environment, our "bottom line focus" has to be on keeping veterans healthy and achieving the most positive patient outcomes possible.
  • Veteran Patients - Our professionals are stimulated by the challenge of caring for a patient population with such complex health care needs. They are also fulfilled by the long-term patient relationships they form, as well as their patients' implicit trust in the care they receive.
  • High-Tech Environment - Advanced information technology in the patient care setting serves to reduce medical errors, improve diagnoses, and create other efficiencies. Our employees like using VA technologies that keep them focused on patients rather than on menial tasks.
  • Unlimited Opportunities - With more than 200,000 employees, the VA health care system is one of the largest health care providers in the world. Our employees never feel like their careers are stagnating because we offer far more opportunities for specialization, educational advancement, and leadership positions than any other health system.
  • Balanced Lifestyle - VA recognizes that having well-rested employees has a tremendous impact on patient care. Our employees appreciate the value of their Federal benefits package and flexible scheduling opportunities.
  Read about VA's training programs:

Technical Career Field Program

Graduate Healthcare Administration Training Program

Orange Sliver

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