The NIH Record

May 19, 1998
Vol. L, No. 10

New South Entry to
CC Takes Shape

Asian Cultural Program
Set, May 22

Two NIH Scientists
Elected to NAS

Russians, NIMH Try
to Stem Depression

Hildebrandts Unveil
Diabetes Dragon

STEP Session on
Tissue Engineering

News Briefs




Study Subjects Sought

Final Photo

U.S. Department of
Health and Human Services

National Institutes of Health

NIH Record Archives

Moving Mountains (of NIH Mail)

By Pam Dressell

Mail -- it's one of those services we take for granted, with deliveries both at home and in the workplace. Few people consider the effort involved in getting the mail promptly to the right destination. But consider these numbers for a moment: 21,000 customers receiving 30,000 pieces of mail daily in 80 buildings (on and off campus) with 1,000 different mail stops. The staff of the Mail Services Branch within the Office of Research Services encounters mountains of mail like this every day and constantly seeks new, improved methods to get it to you -- twice a day!

Lisa Harper, lead mail clerk at Rockledge II, uses mail cluster boxes and the mail repository in her building.

M O R E . . .

NIH'ers Urged to Take the Stairs

Do you only use the stairs during a fire drill? Do you take the elevator for one floor and then feel people's glares as you get out? Do you think you should exercise but believe your day is too busy? Then read on.
M O R E . . .