Our Mission: The CDP trains military and civilian behavioral health professionals to provide the high quality care necessary to address the deployment–related needs of military personnel and their families.

Training Schedule

Topics in Deployment Psychology 2-Week training
July 28-August 8, 2008
October 20-31, 2008
January 5-16, 2009
March 16-27, 2009
June 8-19, 2009
TriCare Sponsored 1-Week Training for Civilian Providers
September 22-26 - San Diego
October 6-10 - San Antonio
November 17-21 - Bethesda, MD
Reconnecting, Renegotiating and Recovering: A workshop examining the deployment experiences of military families
Military Family Research Institute at Purdue University
September 19, 2008 - 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Indianapolis, IN

The Impact of Stress and Trauma Related to Military Deployment on Personnel and Their Families
American Psychological Association Convention
Wednesday, August 13 8:00 a.m. - 3:50 p.m.
Boston, MA


Welcome to the Center for Deployment Psychology.

welcome parade photo

The Center for Deployment Psychology was developed to promote the education of psychologists and other behavioral health specialists about issues pertaining to the deployment of military personnel.

As the duration and frequency of military deployments increase, service members and their families are faced with increasing behavioral health difficulties associated with or exacerbated by deployment. The Center for Deployment Psychology (CDP), an innovative Department of Defense training consortium, has been established to better meet the deployment-related mental and behavioral health needs of military personnel and their families. The CDP is a tri-service center funded by Congress to train military and civilian psychologists, psychology interns/residents, and other behavioral health professionals to provide high quality deployment-related behavioral healthservices to military personnel and their families.


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Last update: 08/13/08

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