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Excellence in Acquisition Workforce Management Award 2006

Nominee: Department of the Interior
National Business Center, Department of the Interior University, governmentwide
Acquisition Management Intern Program

The Department of the Interior University created the governmentwide Acquisition Management Intern Program to recruit talented candidates for entry-level positions in the 1102 series, develop the knowledge and skills for future leaders in the contracting field, and retain those individuals in Federal departments and agencies.

The governmentwide Acquisition Management Intern Program conducts a highly competitive selection process for the 1102 series that results in hiring recruits with undergraduate or advanced degrees at the GS-7 level. Agencies sponsor one or more interns in the program, host the interns on rotational assignments, and reap the benefits of highly qualified, well-trained, and experienced interns for permanent placement in their acquisition offices. Since the program began in 2000, 64 graduates have received permanent placements in the 17 Federal agencies and organizations and eight Department of Interior Bureaus that have been sponsors.

The program's recruitment strategy provides best practices that support efficient and effective acquisition workforce development. Each year, the Program Manager and at least one colleague attend at least 10 career fairs. The program provides cost savings to the government by recruiting for the governmentwide Acquisition Management Intern Program, the Financial Management Career Intern Program and the Office of the Secretary Management Intern Program. The Department of Interior University saves agencies and the federal government a significant amount of money by conducting the recruitment for multiple agencies and multiple programs.

The governmentwide Acquisition Management Intern Program supports Federal agencies' human capital plans by meeting regularly with the Procurement Executive for the Department of the Interior to discuss workforce planning initiatives, developments within the Federal Acquisition Council, and developments regarding governmentwide requirements for warrant levels and changes in training offered by the Defense Acquisition University. In addition, the Intern Program Manager regularly attends Interagency Acquisition Career Manager Committee meetings - the body whose mission is to propose and support interagency plans and programs to support Federal acquisition personnel.

A testament to the success of the governmentwide Acquisition Management Intern Program is their program graduates. Of the individuals who were graduated from the program in 2002, several are managers at the GS-14 level. Moreover, several graduates from the 2003 class now hold unlimited warrants.