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Title   LinkSocial forces.
Published   [Chapel Hill, N.C., University of North Carolina Press]
Physical Descr.   v.  diagrs., ports.  26-28 cm.
Continues   LinkJournal of social forces 1532-1282
Frequency   Quarterly
Issued   v. 4- Sept. 1925-
Note   "An international journal of social research."
Additional Form   Also available via subscription on the World Wide Web.
Issuing Body   Vols. for Sept. 1973-June 1977, Sept. 1984- issued in association with the Southern Sociological Society
Cum.Ind./Find. Aid   Vols. 1-50, 1922-72. 1 v. (Includes index to the journal under its earlier title).
Subject   LinkSocial problems -- Periodicals
  LinkSocial service -- Periodicals
Other Author   LinkSouthern Sociological Society (U.S.)
Abbrev. Title   Soc. forces
ISSN   0037-7732
  1534-7605 (Electronic)
Coden   SOFOAP
Format   Journal
  Online resource
Record Number   000280022
ONLINE ACCESS:   Holdings: v.4-v.79 no.2 (1925-2000) http://www.jstor.org/journals/00377732.html 

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