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Title   LinkKnovel library [electronic resource].
Published   Norwich, NY : Knovel, 1999-.
Note   "Science and engineering books and databases embedded with productivity tools in one online service."
Abstract   Knovel offers access the aggregated content of over 1600 scientific and engineering electronic books and references, including Perry’s Chemical Engineers Handbook, Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry, The PDL Chemical Resistance of Plastics and Elastomers, McGraw-Hill’s AccessMark’s, and SPE publications. Safety and hazard information is covered by titles such as DOSE, the Dictionary of Substances and their Effects, Sittig’s Handbook of Toxic and Hazardous Chemicals and Carcinogens. Knovel indexes all content - including tables, graphs and equations. It enables searching by materials properties, chemical terms, ranges of values, etc., and includes interactive graphs and tables.
Subject   LinkEngineering -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
  LinkChemistry -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
  LinkMaterials science -- Handbooks, manuals, etc.
Other Author   LinkKnovel (Firm)
Other Title   Knovel online interactive books and databases
  Knovel scientific and engineering databases
Format   Online resource
Record Number   000279829
ONLINE ACCESS:   http://www.knovel.com/ { Access restricted to LANL staff. } 

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