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Title   LinkEngineering index.
Published   Hoboken, N.J. : Engineering Information Inc.; Los Alamos, N.M. : hosted by Los Alamos National Laboratory Research Library.
Frequency   Weekly
Note   A list of publications indexed in Engineering Index is published as Publications in Engineering. The subject terms used in Engineering Index are published in the EI Thesaurus.
Abstract   Engineering Index provides worldwide coverage of approximately 5,000 journals and conference proceedings, also some reports and patents. Subjects covered are civil, energy, environmental, geological, and biological engineering; electrical, electronics, and control engineering; chemical, mining, metals, and fuel engineering; mechanical, automotive, nuclear, and aerospace engineering; and computers, robotics, and industrial robots. Engineering Index is available in the OPPIE interface.
Terms Gov. Use   Copyright Elsevier Engineering Information Inc.
Issuing Body   Produced by Elsevier Engineering Information Inc.
Link Note   Engineering Index corresponds to the print publication Engineering Index, with additional coverage of conference papers and proceedings. Also known as Compendex and the Engineering Index backfiles.
Subject   LinkEngineering -- Indexes -- Databases
  LinkTechnology -- Indexes -- Databases
  LinkEngineering -- Abstracts -- Databases
  LinkTechnology -- Abstracts -- Databases
Other Author   LinkLos Alamos National Laboratory. Research Library
  LinkEngineering Information, Inc.
Other Title   Ei [electronic resource]
  Compendex plus [electronic resource]
Also avail as   LinkEngineering index monthly (1984) 0742-1974
  LinkEngineering index annual 0360-8557
Format   Online resource
Record Number   000173430
ONLINE ACCESS:   Coverage: (1884- ) http://oppie.lanl.gov/ { Access restricted to LANL staff. } 

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