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Title   LinkIHS specs & standards [electronic resource]
Published   Englewood, CO : IHS Engineering,.
Access   Restricted to LANL staff.
Abstract   Access to full-text codes and commercial industry standards from the following organizations: ACI, ANS, ANSI (A-Z), ASCE, ASHRAE, ASME with Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code, ASQ, ASSE, ASTM, AWS, ICC (I-codes), ISA, ISO Quality, NEMA, NFPA, SMACNA, and UL. Also includes access to the following military and government specifications and standards: Military specifications & standards, Military performance specifications, Military detail specifications, Federal specifications & standards, Joint Army-Navy specifications (JANS), Military & federal Qualified Products Lists (QPLs), Qualified Manufacturers Lists (QMLs), Military handbooks, Military bulletins, MS drawings, AND, ANA, & AN drawings, USAF & NAF standards, DESC/SMD drawings, Data Item Descriptions (DIDs), Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS), Historical DoD specifications and standards, DoD directives, DoD adopted industry standards, and FAA documents.
Subject   LinkStandards, Engineering -- United States -- Indexes
  LinkStandards -- United States -- Indexes
Other Author   LinkInformation Handling Services
Other Title   Specs & standards [electronic resource]
  IHS specs and standards [electronic resource]
  ACI (American Concrete Instutute) standards [electronic resource]
  ANS (American Nuclear Society) standards [electronic resource]
  ANS standards [electronic resource]
  ANSI standards [electronic resource]
  ASCE (American Society of Civil Engineers) standards [electronic resource]
  ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers) standards [electronic resource]
  ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) standards [electronic resource]
  ASME boiler and pressure vessel code [electronic resource]
  ASQ (American Society of Quality) standards [electronic resource]
  ASSE (American Society of Safety Engineers) standards [electronic resource]
  ASTM (American Society of Testing and Materials) standards [electronic resource]
  AWS (American Welding Society) standards [electronic resource]
  ICC (I-codes) [electronic resource]
  ISA (Instrument Society of America) standards [electronic resource]
  ISO quality standards [electronic resource]
  NEMA (National Electrical Manufacturers Association) standards [electronic resource]
  NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) standards [electronic resource]
  SMACNA (Sheet Metal and AC Contractors National Association) standards [electronic resource]
  UL (Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.) standards [electronic resource]
  Military specifications and standards [electronic resource]
  Military performance specifications [electronic resource]
  Military detail specifications [electronic resource]
  Federal specifications and standards [electronic resource]
  Joint Army-Navy specifications (JANS) [electronic resource]
  Military and federal qualified products lists (QPLs) [electronic resource]
  Qualified Manufacturers Lists (QMLs) [electronic resource]
  Military handbooks [electronic resource]
  Military bulletins [electronic resource]
  MS drawings [electronic resource]
  AND, ANA, & AN drawings [electronic resource]
  USAF and NAF standards [electronic resource]
  DESC/SMD drawings [electronic resource]
  Data Item Descriptions (DIDs) [electronic resource]
  Commercial Item Descriptions (CIDs) [electronic resource]
  Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) [electronic resource]
  Historical DoD specifications and standards [electronic resource]
  DoD directives [electronic resource]
  DoD adopted industry standards [electronic resource]
  FAA documents [electronic resource]
Format   Online resource
Record Number   000085881
ONLINE ACCESS:   http://lib-www.lanl.gov/infores/stand/ihs/index.htm 

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