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    Posted: 08/12/2008
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This page contains brief information about etoposide and a collection of links to more information from the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the National Library of Medicine (NLM).

US Brand Name(s):Toposar
FDA Approved:Yes

Etoposide is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to be used with other drugs to treat the following types of cancer:

In addition to the uses that have been approved by the FDA, etoposide is also used alone or with other drugs to treat other types of cancer. Etoposide continues to be studied in the treatment of many types of cancer.

Information from the NCI

Definition from the NCI Drug Dictionary - Detailed scientific definition and other names for this drug.

Clinical Trial Results: Less-Intense Chemotherapy Effective in Children with Intermediate-Risk Neuroblastoma (06/13/2007) - Important clinical trial results for this drug, background information, and how the trial was done.

Clinical Trial Results: Less-Intense Chemotherapy Benefits Some Children With B-Cell Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (04/25/2007) - Important clinical trial results for this drug, background information, and how the trial was done.

Clinical Trial Results: Study Fails to Confirm That Irinotecan is Superior to Etoposide in Extensive-Stage Small Cell Lung Cancer (05/14/2005) - Important clinical trial results for this drug, background information, and how the trial was done.

Clinical Trial Results: Improved Survival for Those With Ewing Sarcoma (02/27/2003) - Important clinical trial results for this drug, background information, and how the trial was done.

Clinical Trial Results: Three-Pronged Approach an Added Treatment Option for Metastatic Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) (06/02/2003) - Important clinical trial results for this drug, background information, and how the trial was done.

Clinical Trial Results: Chemotherapy and Twice-Daily Radiation Improves Small Cell Lung Cancer Survival (11/10/1999) - Important clinical trial results for this drug, background information, and how the trial was done.

Information from the NLM

MedlinePlus Information on Etoposide - A lay language summary of important information about this drug that may include the following:

  • warnings about this drug,
  • what this drug is used for and how it is used,
  • what you should tell your doctor before using this drug,
  • what you should know about this drug before using it,
  • other drugs that may interact with this drug, and
  • possible side effects.

Drugs are often studied to find out if they can help treat or prevent conditions other than the ones they are approved for. This NLM patient information sheet applies only to approved uses of the drug. However, much of the information may also apply to unapproved uses that are being studied.

Clinical Trials

Clinical Trials for Etoposide - Check for trials from NCI's PDQ Cancer Clinical Trials Registry now accepting patients.

Important: The drug information on this Web page is meant to be educational. It is not a substitute for medical advice. The information may not cover all possible uses, actions, interactions, or side effects of this drug, or precautions to be taken while using it. Please see your health care professional for more information about your specific medical condition and the use of this drug.

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Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health