Environmental Stewardship At a Glance Banner

At a Glance

    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) is the steward of approximately 12 million acres of land and water at 456 water resources projects located in 43 states. This property consists of hundreds of lakes, thousands of miles of rivers and streams, hundreds of reservoirs, 40,000 archeological sites, and 5,000 historic sites. These areas are comprised of various types of habitat that support a variety of fish and wildlife. The archeological and historic sites are significant to our cultural and historical heritage.

    Benefits from the Corps Stewardship Program include those associated with managing natural resources in a healthy and sustainable condition, fostering healthy lands and waters by balancing public uses and needs, protecting our cultural heritage and providing public outdoor recreational opportunities. These efforts are performed in partnership with Federal, State and local government entities, quasi-public organizations, and the private sector and include state and federal fish hatcheries, state wildlife management areas, and federal wildlife refuges. As part of our ongoing effort to raise awareness about environmental issues, our staff provides hundreds of environmental education programs every year that reach more than 3 million people.

    Corps lands and waters provide thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in revenue for local communities. More than 500 private concessionaires, with $1 billion in assets, provide support services and facilities at Corps lakes such as: marinas, bait shops, and grocery stores. Non-federal interests manage 42 percent of the recreation and natural resources areas. This includes: approximately 200 state wildlife management areas, 25 federal wildlife refuges, 50 state and federal fish hatcheries, and hundreds of state and local government parks.

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Updated: April 17, 2005