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How do you specify more than one meteorological file in the 'set Meteo_file' line of the Auto_traj.tcl script so the loop can run through many months of data?

file delete Control
   set f [open Control w]
   puts $f "$Start_time"
   puts $f "1"
   puts $f "$Start_loc"
   puts $f "$Run_hours"
   puts $f "$Vert_coord"
   puts $f "$Top_model"
   puts $f "2"
   puts $f "$Meteo_path"
   puts $f "$Meteo_file"
   puts $f "$Meteo_path2"
   puts $f "$Meteo_file2"
   puts $f "$Output_path"
   puts $f "$Output_file"
   close $f 

Roland Draxler

Modified: September 23, 2008
Dept. of Commerce | NOAA | NOAA Research | ARL