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All about bullying  
No matter how you have been touched or impacted by bullying, you can make a valuable contribution to changing environments that are conducive to bullying and promoting healthier behaviors for young people. The following are some great examples of ways different groups of people can make such a contribution.

If you represent a community-based group or coalition interested in helping to publicize and draw attention to our campaign in your area, but need a little help getting started, please see the Stop Bullying Now! Communications Kit. The Communications Kit contains brochures and posters that can be mass-produced and distributed in your area, as well as public service announcements that local print, radio, and television media can use.

If you represent a media outlet wishing to run our public service announcements in your market, we encourage you to access downloadable versions of our print PSAs or preview and order broadcast quality copies of our radio and television PSAs.

If you are a parent, health and safety professional, teacher or school administrator, or someone else looking to learn more about bullying and strategies for effective prevention and intervention, you can start with our Step by Step Guide or check out the prevention tips and resources page featuring tips and facts from our campaign Resource Kit as well as informative video workshops. The tip sheets not only offer information that will help all adults to better recognize this problem, they outline tips and highlight best practices that will allow individuals from many different backgrounds to support children who have been bullied and reduce and prevent bullying behavior. We are confident you will find these materials informative and we encourage you to reproduce and distribute them widely in your school or community.

If you are a teacher, visit our teacher's corner to learn how you can initiate and enhance bullying prevention efforts in your school.

If you are a parent or educator looking for books, audio-visual materials or bullying prevention programs that you can use in your home, school or community, please search our extensive database of bullying prevention resources. Resources in the database have been submitted by researchers, educators, publishers, and program developers from across the country. The database allows you to search according to specific criteria and view profiles of each resource. We feel certain you will find materials here that meet your needs.

If there are books, programs or other resources you would like to share with Stop Bullying Now!, please visit to find out how you can submit your materials to be considered for inclusion in the Stop Bullying Now! Resource Kit.

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