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The Take a Stand. Lend a Hand. Stop Bulling Now! Campaign is offering unique opportunities for public and private sector, health, safety, and community organizations to join forces in this dynamic multimedia effort that is reaching hundreds of thousands of young people nationwide.

As noted by Mathew, who serves on our Youth Expert Panel (YEP), this effort should be like "a big rock dropped into a pond, that creates a ripple effect of awareness and action all across the nation." We love that analogy, and see it as an apt way to describe the value of having schools, organizations, small and large businesses working together to stop bullying among young people.

As a partner, you will receive the benefits of being affiliated with a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) effort that is being heartily supported by the National Association of Broadcasters and more than 60 organizations representing the education, health and safety, mental health, justice and law enforcement, and faith based communities. You will also have access to many exciting campaign components, such as:
  • Print Public Service Announcements that can be reproduced for newsletters, flyers, and other print formats
  • Television PSAs that can be used in internal broadcast communications for companies and organizations, and provided to local television and cable stations
  • A campaign brochure and poster that can be reproduced with the logo for your school or organization
  • Access to a continuing stream of ideas for bullying prevention activities in your community and school
There are many opportunities to spread messages, sponsor activities, and demonstrate your company's or organization's commitment to improving the quality of young peoples' lives. We invite you to learn more about how you can help.

Visit our Campaign Partners page to learn more about the groups that are working with us…and what they are doing to lend a hand.

Or inquire about how you can become a partner.

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