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The Health Resources and Services Administration's Maternal and Child Health Bureau would like to acknowledge the contributions of various individuals and organizations in shaping and implementing the National Bullying Prevention Campaign, Take A Stand. Lend A Hand. Stop Bullying Now!

To begin, we wish to thank all of the members of our Partnership Steering Committees and Implementation Working Groups. Representing organizational sectors that most frequently confront bullying and related behaviors, these teams of experts have played an extensive role in shaping the Campaign from its earliest stages. They include:

Partnership Steering Committees and Implementation Working Groups
Health and Safety Organizations
Justice and Law Enforcement
Mental Health Organizations
Youth Organizations
Faith-Based Organizations

Several other groups have provided significant behind-the-scenes assistance to ensure that the Campaign informs, reaches and resonates with adults and children across the country. Their knowledge of the issue and their commitment to the success of this Campaign are noteworthy.

Other Contributors
Youth Expert Panel Members
The Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life
Writers, Researchers and Educators
Tran Interactive Design Group


Co-Chairs and Advisors
Sharon Adams-Taylor, American Association of School Administrators
Gay Barker, National Education Association
Bill Bond, National Association of Secondary School Principals
John Mitchell, American Federation of Teachers
Sera Morgan, Bureau of Health Professions, HRSA

Steve Bell, Consultant
Jill Cook, American School Counselors Association
Nora Howley, Council of Chief State School Officers
Scott Hirschfield, Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network
Lindsay Friedman, A World of Difference Institute/Anti-Defamation League
Bob Kim, The Respect for All Project/Women's Educational Media
Paula Kun, National Association for Sport and Physical Education
Jean Shultz, National Middle School Association
Gabriella Hayes, National Parent Teachers Association
Brenda Greene, National School Boards Association
Jennifer Medearis, U.S. Department of Education, Office of Safe and Drug-Free Schools

Health and Safety Organizations

Co-Chairs and Advisors
Ann Junk, American School Health Association
Ellen Schmidt, State and Territorial Injury Prevention Directors' Association & Children's Safety Network
Judith Vessey, National Association of School Nurses
Lynda Honberg, Maternal & Child Health Bureau, HRSA

Howard Spivak, American Academy of Pediatrics and American Public Health Association
Missy Fleming, American Medical Association
Carolyn Plested, American Medical Association Alliance
Janie Scott, American Occupational Therapy Association
Sara Roschwalb Gordon, Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs
Pierre Desy, Emergency Nurses Association
Jeannie Suarez-Reyes, National Alliance for Hispanic Health
Laura Brey, National Assembly on School-Based Health Care
Mary Muscari, National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners
Paul Abamonte, National Center for Injury Prevention & Control, CDC
Tonja Nansel, National Institute of Child Health and Human Development
Elizabeth Edgerton, SafeUSA
Matthew Aalsma, Society of Adolescent Medicine
Linda A. Lewandowski, Society of Pediatric Nurses
Robert Carlton, State Adolescent Health Coordinators Network

Justice and Law Enforcement

Co-Chairs and Advisors
Joan Padilla, Colorado Attorney General's Office
Kari McDonough, Colorado Attorney General's Office
Tony Woollen, National Association of School Resource Officers
Audrey Yowell, Maternal and Child Health Bureau, HRSA

William Christeson, Fight Crime: Invest in Kids
Howard Davidson, American Bar Association, Center on Children and the Law
Susan Herman, National Center for Victims of Crime
Donni LeBoeuf, US Department of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Michael Lieberman, Anti-Defamation League
Rana Sampson, Consultant
Leisa-Anne Smith, New Jersey State Bar Foundation
Randy Wiler, Leawood Police Department

Mental Health Organizations

Co-Chairs and Advisors
Ted Feinberg, National Association of School Psychologists
LaVoyce Reid, National Association of Social Workers
Laurie Emmer, National Association of Social Workers

Scott Barstow, American Counseling Association
Janice MacDonald, American Counseling Association
Louise Peloquin, Center for Mental Health Services, SAMHSA
Mark Katz, Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Disorder
Bill Voors, National Association of Social Workers
James Radack, National Mental Health Association
SuEllen Fried, Prevent Child Abuse America
Donna Secor, School Social Work Association of America
Beverly Van Dyke, School Social Work Association of America

Youth Organizations

Co-Chairs and Advisors
Michelle Flinton, Family, Career & Community Leaders of America
John Rosiak, National Crime Prevention Council
Joselle Alexander, National Crime Prevention Council
Mandy Woodfield, National Organizations for Youth Safety

Hilda Crespo, The ASPIRA Association, Inc.
Elisabeth Friedman, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America
Frank Sanchez, Boys and Girls Clubs of America
Karen Unger, Girl Scouts of USA
Toni Eubanks, Girl Scouts of USA
Summer Sedlacek, National 4-H Council
Lois Charley, National Peers Helpers Association
Brad Hart, National Police Athletic League
Maura White, National Police Athletic League
Heidi Heilman, Students Against Destructive Decisions
Russell Coker, United National Indian Tribal Youth
Sharon Williams, YMCA of the USA
Carol Northrup, Mohawk Valley YWCA

Faith-Based Organizations

Rick Beckwith, Young Life, Wyldlife Ministries
Scott Miller, National Federation for Catholic Youth Ministry

Youth Expert Panel Members

The campaign development team would also like to express its gratitude to the members of the Youth Expert Panel an extraordinary group of young people who have provided a wealth of insight into the lives of 9 to 13-year-olds and the teens who influence them.

Justin and Elizabeth, from Minnesota
Brad, from Maryland
Brandon, Emily and Thomas, from Florida
Mathew, from Connecticut
Aubrey, Brielle and Leonardo, from California
Rosa, from New Mexico
Brienna, from Arizona
Lindsey, from North Carolina
Jamie, from Oklahoma
Shaun, from Tennessee
Landon, from Utah
Megan, from Colorado
Brian, from Texas
Wravenna, from Nebraska

The Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life

The team would also like to thank the experts at the Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life at Clemson University in Clemson, South Carolina. These individuals supported the development of the Campaign's extensive Resource Kit and virtually every other campaign component addressing effective bullying prevention practices.

Gary B. Melton, Professor and Director of the Institute
Susan P. Limber, Associate Professor, Associate Director of the Institute and Director of the Center for Youth Participation and Human Rights
Joyce Ott, Assistant Professor and Research Associate at the Institute
Mark A. Small, Professor, National Center on Rural Justice and Crime Prevention

Writers, Researchers and Educators

We also want to recognize the group of writers, researchers and educators who lent their time, talents and knowledge of bullying prevention and intervention issues to develop informational materials that form the basis of the Campaign's Resource Kit (hyperlink to main Resource Kit page).

Randy J. Wiler, Director
Kansas Bullying Prevention Awareness Program
Leawood Police Department

Susan M. Swearer, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of School Psychology and Licensed Psychologist
Interim Co-Director, Nebraska Internship Consortium in Professional
Department of Educational Psychology
University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Jane Riese, LSW
Director, Bullying Prevention Services
Family-Child Resources, Inc.

Joyce Ott, Ph.D.
Research Associate
The Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life
Clemson University

Susan P. Limber, MLS, Ph.D.
Associate Director
The Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life
Clemson University

Marlene Snyder, Ph.D.
Research Associate
The Institute on Family and Neighborhood Life
Clemson University

Nancy Mullin-Rindler, M.Ed.
Research Scientist
Director, Project on Teasing and Bullying
Wellesley Centers for Women
Wellesley College

Dorothy Espelage, PhD
Associate Professor
Dept. of Educational Psychology
Counseling Psychology
University of Illinois
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